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Number of visits:: 7754x
Language: Česky Slovensky
1.36 ($ 0.14/serving)
1 hour
10 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 1447 kJ (346 kcal) 17 %
  • Sugar 34.78 g   39 %
  • Fats 10.76 g   15 %
  • Saturates 1.61 g   8 %
  • Sodium 0.014 g   1 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

Classic simple yet perfect marble cake, where you have nothing to spoil. All you need is a few ingredients.

egg 3 pieces 180 g 239,3 kcal
crystal sugar 2 cups (200 ml cup) 400 g 1605 kcal
semi-skimmed milk 1/2 cup {text:"You can use any milk - semi-skimmed, whole milk or skimmed milk..."} 100 ml 45,4 kcal
sunflower oil 1/2 cup {text:" to taste use your favourite oil, for us the best is sunflower oil", title: "Which is the best?"} 100 ml 829,9 kcal
all purpose flour 2 cups 360 g 1231,2 kcal
baking powder 1/2 packet 6 g 4,8 kcal
cocoa 2 tsp - or sweet cacao 4 tsp 10 g 44,5 kcal
lemon juice 1 lemon 2 g 1,6 kcal
  1. Firstly, grease the form. If you do not use silicone form, then also sprinkle it with a litlle of flour. We use sunflower oil.
  2. In a suitable bowl put yolks of three eggs, add two cups of sugar.
  3. Roughly stir and pour a little milk, just about 50 ml. Then using only a spoon whip it into a light foamy mixture.
  4. Into whipped mixture add the milk and oil, baking powder and all purpose flour. Carefully stir and add the zest of one lemon. If the mixture is too runny, add a little more flour, if too thick, dilute with a little of milk. If you're not sure of density, make it rather thicker.
  5. Stir in the beaten whites of three eggs, which gently stir into the mixture.
  6. About 2/3 of mixture pour into a mold and in the rest put 2 teaspoons cocoa or 4 tablespoons of sweet cocoa.
  7. Marble cake bake at 180° C for about 45 minutes.  {colorQ: "red" , text:"The stated time is always an approximate information. Each oven bakes differently, so you have to watch each dish carefully.", Title: "Why is it so? "}
  8. Finally, we can decorate the cake with powder sugar. 

To find out weather the cake is ready stick a cocktail stick into it, and pull it out, if it'sa non-stick, you're done. Test it not only on the edges but also in the middle of a cake.

  • Cinnamon snails

    Cinnamon snails

    Excellent ultrafast delicacy. If you are expecting someone, this dish is just right.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     12380    45 minutes
  • Gingerbread


    This cookies evokes the atmosphere of Christmas with all the trimmings. They are not only beautiful on Christmas tree or on the table but also taste delicious. |Decorating is a great fun also for children. Bake them and let kids decorate it. It will be fun for hours.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     8518    40 minutes
  • Quick sponge biscuits delicacy

    Quick sponge biscuits delicacy

    They are very well known, but not everyone knows that they are very simple to prepare. Older children like to prepare them - perhaps because of rum. | Of this amount we get about 30 wasp nests.

    1 serving $ 0.05

     4275    30 minutes
  • Pickled Camembert cheese

    Pickled Camembert cheese

    There is no need to introduce this recipe so you should definitely try it.  This appetizer is easy to made even for absolute beginners. |The quantity of oil which the camembert is poured with, increases in the quantity of fat in GDA chart to double. But since we do not eat all of the oil, thus serving 100 g contains about half of the fat. |After consumption of cheese, remaining oil can be used to prepare many kinds of food. Oil has of course garlic flavor.

    1 serving $ 0.41

     16057    30 minutes
  • True steak tartare

    True steak tartare

    A portion of this recipe is really big and if you make more toasts then it will be definitely enough for two persons. True tartare steak is more expensive, but who taste it once, will go for it again. This is a recipe for the true basic tartare. | Sirloin can also be easily scraped up with a knife and then just add other ingredients finely chopped.

    1 serving $ 2.86

     10079    15 minutes
  • Pork lard soap

    Pork lard soap

    The basic recipe for making soap. How can you enriched the soap with nourishing, fragrant and colorful components you'll see in the next video recipes. | 


    Always sprinkle hydroxide in water, never pour water into hydroxide! Would occur chemical reaction - instant boiling liquid with a strong sputtering. However, if you pour hydroxide in water, that will not happen. A glass or other container should be able to stand temperature around 90°C, since the fluid is hot. If you follow these principles, the production of soap is safe. | 


    The most important is to wear protective eyeglasses and gloves. Working with a strong basic agent, spillage could cause injury to eyes and the skin. In no case should be children present while working on the recipe. | 


    Sodium hydroxide is highly hygroscopic substance. In practice this means that immediately after weighing close the container, otherwise the substance absorbs moisture within seconds and the crystals will be bonded. | 


    Do not inhale vapours while cooking.

    1 serving $ 3.14

     5325    45 minutes
  • Chickpea crisps

    Chickpea crisps

    Taste like roasted nut, or roasted chestnut and, moreover, it has health benefits ... 

    1 serving $ 0.09

     7536    100 minutes
  • Dill soup

    Dill soup

    Excellent and delicious dill soup with eggs of our grandmother´s recipes. | If you use pickled dill, add it in only after cooked potatoes. It contains vinegar, which would cause that the potatoes would cook longer. | If you like sour soup, add a little vinegar before thickening. Add it carefully in small amounts. You can always add. .... :-)

    1 serving $ 0.32

     5054    50 minutes
  • Sour lentils

    Sour lentils

    Quick and healthy food for a few bucks which can handle everyone. Lentils contains many health-promoting substances. | 


    Serve with fried egg or boiled egg and pickles. | 


    Instead of vinegar can be used brine from pickled cucumbers. | 

    1 serving $ 0.45

     5085    50 minutes
  • Fish spread

    Fish spread

    Fast, cheap, healthy and tasty dinner, which you should certainly try.

    1 serving $ 0.27

     8363    30 minutes
  • Cheesecake with a pear topping

    Cheesecake with a pear topping

    Very simple cheesecake without cooking, which can handle anybody. You can use your imagination when decorating. |


    You can decorate it with any fruit and pour over various fruit or chocolate topping. |


    You can also prepare a smaller cheesecake using the half-dose ingredients.

    1 serving $ 0.73

     3996    40 minutes
  • Mexican pork belly in a pan

    Mexican pork belly in a pan

    Have you got a pork belly in a freezer and you do not know what to do with it? Try this simple recipe. |

    If you get rid of some melted fat, you will end up with far more favorable value than the GDA shows. |

    Probably the best is to serve with potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.86

     4958    50 minutes
  • Pork kidneys in cream

    Pork kidneys in cream

    Pork kidneys is a great delicacy, but it needs to be done well to get rid of the smell and enjoy it. | 


    This dish can be served with rice, dumplings or potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.68

     4583    45 minutes
  • Mashed peas

    Mashed peas

    Some people do not like it, but there are also soma who love it. It is a very simple recipe with a guaranteed result and it is prepared for few bucks. | If you're not a vegetarian, you can serve it with a sausage. But even with bread mashed peas is excellent.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     5878    40 minutes
  • Hatching of Artemia salina + tips and tricks

    Hatching of Artemia salina + tips and tricks

    There are still thousands of aquarists who can not only correctly hatch Artemia, but also modify the hatch for certain fish species. For them, I have compiled this video tutorial.


  • Gingerbread with jam for five minutes

    Gingerbread with jam for five minutes

    This gingerbread is made in a really short time. | Keep in mind that this recipe is really such an emergency - if you are in a hurry. If you have time, bake the  gingerbread normel way in a hot oven, then it will be not only tastier but also it will last longer. In this case, bake at 180 ° C for about 20-30 minutes. {text: "To find out weather the cake is ready stick a cocktail stick into it, and pull it out, if it´s a non-stick, you're done. Test it not only on the edges but also in the middle of a cake."}

    1 serving $ 0.23

     6421    5 minutes
  • Apple lattice pie

    Apple lattice pie

    Excellent and attractive apple pie, which may look complicated, but it is very easy if you watch our video. | The top of a cake can be decorated with whipped cream and served with coffee, tea, or just enjoy it with mulled wine.

    1 serving $ 0.09

     8410    1 hour
  • Pork with whipped cream

    Pork with whipped cream

    Tasty delicious recipe leading to an excellent result which handles even a complete beginner. | 


    Do not increase the temperature to speed up cooking. Just slow roasting secures a balanced fragility of all ingredients.

    1 serving $ 1.05

     5213    120 minutes
  • Devilish toast baked with cheese

    Devilish toast baked with cheese

    This recipe describes the production of hot spread, which is suitable not only for the toast, but also to prepare many other delicacies. | You know - in the evening comes a bunch of people to visit, but what is to offer? This spicy dish handles everyone,it doesn´t cost much and the result is guaranteed. | As the amount of this hot sauce is around 1 liter, it can be safely inserted into clean jars and sterilized for 15 minutes in water at 90° C. | Sauce as the name suggests is hot, yet for some children very tasty. Decision if this dish is served to children is up to you .... | Imagination has no limits, so you can decorate it with slices of hard boiled egg ​​or pickled cucumber and pepper. | If you put this sauce on a large pan and add 30 eggs then this bunch of people burst bursts overfeeding :-) | When you take advantage of discounts on summer vegetables, then you have this delicacy for a few bucks.

    1 serving $ 0.55

     8087    60 minutes
  • Leek soup with cheese croutons

    Leek soup with cheese croutons

    Great soup with croutons, which is also served in the most expensive restaurants.

    1 serving $ 0.32

     3488    25 minutes