Number of visits:: 18676x
Language: Česky Slovensky
0.36 ($ 0.18/serving)
25 minutes
2 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 549 kJ (131 kcal) 7 %
  • Sugar 0 g   0 %
  • Fats 0.77 g   1 %
  • Saturates 0.23 g   1 %
  • Sodium 0.369 g   15 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

Is a rice cooker helpful or is it useless? Which one to buy, and what to look for?

rice 2 portions 250 g 859,4 kcal
salt 1/2 tsp 6 g 0,3 kcal
curry powder 1/4 tsp 0.5 g 1,2 kcal
water 400 ml -

We followed the instructions carefully. It was easy to read and can be also downloaded from the web, for example HERE.

Product TRISTAR RK 6112 was well packed, in this respect, we do not have any comments. There was also a brief guide, but lacked any recipes for cooking. However,this did not bother us, as there are lots of recipes on the internet, and it probably would unnecessarily increase the cost of the product. We welcomed the enclosed measuring cup and scoop for the cooked rice, both are very practical.

Design of this product is not particularly brilliant, but with the price - performance we like it anyway. It has a stainless steel surface, which is very well maintained. Bowl with boiled rice can be taken out using just one hand, and can be placed with a lid on in the refrigerator. All parts are sufficiently sturdy and easy to clean. The container has a friendly non-stick coating inside, no rice was stuck there during cooking. 

For testing the rice cooker we have chosen two servings of jasmine rice, that we cook most often. We measured it with the enclosed measuring cup, and filled with water exactly according to the instructions up to the perfectly visible mark.

After stirring, we turned on the rice cooker and waited until it turned itself off. Signal lights were not very visible because we have a really bright light in the studio but in the kitchen with normal lighting it would be sufficient and clearly visible.

When the rice cooker shut down automatically after 22 minutes, we checked the result immediately. The taste was excellent, rice was soft even inside, so the result was really good. There was not any excess water in the pot. We were really satisfied. We served rice with a practical scoop, which was very comfortable and it has a well thought-out shape. Portions measured with enclosed measuring cup were really big. One might say, it's rather two huge servings, or three or four normal portions, what you normally serve at home.

However, each product has a drawback. We found that if more than four portions are cooked at a time, then the foam fills the lid, there is lots of bubbles from the water and starch, the lid is bouncing and boiling water sputtering everywhere. But this is normal, as the foam will simply create in every pot, even when we choose high-quality rice and rinse it thoroughly. Therefore, we think it is little absurd that there are even smaller rice cookers on the market, such can not be recommended to anyone, because to cook 2 servings in such small rice cooker will end up with splutter everywhere. Therefore, this particular rice cooker is recommended even if you usually do just one or two servings.

So how to cook 6 portions at once without any splutter? Simple - put an ordinary small spoon under the lid so that it is slightly open. Add 20% more water than in instructions provided. The result will be perfect and with no sizzle.

 So what is the conclusion?

We are confident to recommend the rice cooker TRISTAR RK 6112. But do not buy smaller one, even if you usually cook only one serving. In this case applies - the larger container, the better. Try several kinds of rice and find out which one you will enjoy the most and will not have any problem with. Then the result will always be the same. In our opinion - anyone who find difficult to cook rice should definitely buy a rice cooker. You will be blown away by the result. If it will be this one or any other product is only up to you...

Manual can be downloaded HERE.

This product was described only because we like the ratio of price and performance. We are not advertising this product, take this article as a practical transmission of our experience with a specific product. The product was tested without any furter intention.

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     6860    70 minutes
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    This dish can be served with rice, dumplings or potatoes.

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     4869    45 minutes
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     6997    40 minutes
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    Meat on the grill never impale, but either scoop up or use tongs.

    1 serving $ 0.77

     5054    30 minutes
  • Homemade pork ham without emulsifier

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    The only chemical that must be used is sodium nitrite. Without it, it would be just a piece of boiled meat, but still compared to manufactured ham it is much healthier, moreover, there are no strange color stabilizers etc.. Specifically, in this recipe, in 1 kg of ham there is only 0.075 g of sodium nitrite. Anyone who has ever eaten any sausages, already ingested nitrite in multiple quantities, so there's no need to worry. |

    In the recipe ham contains as much salt as bought one. So if you do not like much salt, use less of curring salt -  20 g per kilogram of meat. |

    This ham can not be stored as long as bought one. We recommend to use it up to 3 days or freeze it. It is also possible to use different containers with the possibility of vacuum - the suction air. |

    This salt mixture cannot be used directly for flavoring meals.

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     38109    3 hours
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