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Number of visits:: 11987x
Language: Česky Slovensky
1.79 ($ 0.09/serving)
45 minutes
26 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 1302 kJ (311 kcal) 16 %
  • Sugar 16.22 g   18 %
  • Fats 11.69 g   17 %
  • Saturates 4.48 g   22 %
  • Sodium 0.006 g   0 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

Poppy seed cakes knows everyone, but they are quite expensive. You can prepare a full bowl of them for a few bucks and they will taste much better than store-bought ones.

poppy seed ground (for filling) 100 g 541 kcal
granulated sugar for filling 50g + for dough 100g 150 g 601,9 kcal
ground cinnamon 1/2 tsp (for filling) 1 g 1,7 kcal
semi-skimmed milk for filling 150ml + for dough 200ml 350 ml 158,8 kcal
yeast 1/2 packet 21 g 21,4 kcal
cake flour 500 g 1791,3 kcal
egg 2 pieces (only yolks) 50 g 66,5 kcal
butter 80 g 586,6 kcal
sunflower oil 3 tbsp 21 ml 174,3 kcal
powdered sugar to garnish 20 g 76,6 kcal
  1. Into a bowl put ground poppy seeds, sugar and cinnamon. Stir.
  2. Into smaller pot pour 150 ml of milk and heat it at the temperature of 100°C. Add a poppy seed mixture and cook for about a minute while stirring.
  3. Warm 200 ml milk and pour about 1/4 into a smaller bowl. Add 1/2 cube of yeast - 21 g, which crumble into the milk and stir a little. Out of 100 g of sugar which you have weighed take 2 teaspoons and add to yeast. Leave in a warm place to rise for about 1 hour.
  4. Into a suitable bowl put 1/2 kg of flour.  Add the rest of sugar, 2 egg yolks, the rest of lukewarm milk, leavened yeast and lukewarm melted butter with the oil.
  5. Stir into a smooth dough and sprinkle with flour. Cover and let in warm place to rise for about an hour.
  6. On a floured work top roll out the dough to a thickness of about 6-8 mm.
  7. Using a cookie cutter cut circles with the size of about 7-8 cm.
  8. Then press the middle of the cakes and fill them with poppy seed mixture.
  9. Brush with melted butter and bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for 15-20 minutes. Each oven bakes differently, so keep checking the cakes.
  10. Finally, decorate with icing sugar.

This amount will do about 26 cakes with a diameter of 8 cm.

  • Poppy seed sourdough cakes

    Poppy seed sourdough cakes

    Poppy seed cakes knows everyone, but they are quite expensive. You can prepare a full bowl of them for a few bucks and they will taste much better than store-bought ones. |

    This amount will do about 26 cakes with a diameter of 8 cm.

    1 serving $ 0.09

     11987    45 minutes
  • Curry chicken with pasta

    Curry chicken with pasta

    Well known sauce with pasta, which according to our video can handle even absolute beginner.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     6730    90 minutes
  • Roasted shank with garlic

    Roasted shank with garlic


     3811    150 minutes
  • Homemade chocolate quark dessert

    Homemade chocolate quark dessert

    Why buy expensive and sugary quark dessert when you can prepare it at home for a few bucks? |

    Next time let your children prepare this quark dessert. They will be delighted and will certainly learn something.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     8931    5 minutes
  • French pork pocket with vegetable filling

    French pork pocket with vegetable filling

    Easy dish, that according to our video can handle even beginners.

    1 serving $ 1.05

     11849    150 minutes
  • Spicy fried noodles with chicken

    Spicy fried noodles with chicken


     3662    40 minutes
  • Onion fingers

    Onion fingers

    Excellent cheap and healthy delicacy, which, according to our video you can prepare quite easily. | According to this recipe you can make about 24 regular-sized fingers.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     7893    40 minutes
  • Rendered lard

    Rendered lard

    New findings has not confirmed that the body fat increases cholesterol and act as cardiac and vascular disease.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     5121    1 hour
  • Cheesecake with raspberries

    Cheesecake with raspberries

    Raspberry cheesecake without cooking, which can handle anybody, because it is so simple. |


    You can decorate it with any fruit and pour over various fruit or chocolate topping. |


    You can also prepare a smaller cheesecake using the half-dose ingredients.

    1 serving $ 0.77

     3778    40 minutes
  • Dijon mayonnaise

    Dijon mayonnaise

    Very simple mayonnaise. You can prepare it from ingredients that you always find at home. |


    Keep in mind that mayonnaise contains no stabilizers, and preservatives, therefore it must be used within 24 hours and stored in the fridge.

    1 serving $ 0.18

     4202    5 minutes
  • Phở bò chín almost fat free

    Phở bò chín almost fat free

    Pho bo (pronounced "pfa bo") soup is a hit of nowadays. If you follow our instructions, you will find it quite simple. Firstly, read the entire instructions, watch a video, and then you just have to print the ingredients and go shopping. Our tips can be found at the end of this recipe. | Tip 1: Make broth always in large quantities. Do not worry that soup won´t be tasty. The broth can be easily frozen. It's the most difficult part, the rest is ready in the bowl in a minute. | Tip 2: You will have some difficulies to find the herbs in ordinary shops, but in Vietnam marketplaces they will advise you. For this case we have also named the herbs in Vietnam language, so they immediately know which one it is. | Tip 3: The most common herbs are Mexican coriander and mung sprouts. Coriander, perilla and Vietnam basil herbs are very aromatic, and thus use very little of them. | Tip 4 : Use beef bones, tail and ribs in various combinations. It does not matter if you use them in different quantities. But always use marrowbones. | Tip 5 : Rinse the meat thoroughly in cold water and bake the bones as directed. This saves you a time with replacing the water, as stated in some other recipes. | Tip 6  : Do not look for the original recipe for soup Pho, it does not exist. On the internet, we went through hundreds of recipes, but none of them were the same. | Tip 7: This soup costs in various restaurants from 79 up to 259 crowns. At this price the average family eats this soup at home 3 times. Do not underestimate the soup because is full of vitamins and minerals. | Tip 8: If you find this soup too fatty, then let the broth cool completely and the second day pick up all fat with a spoon, and then you have a great and healthy diet soup. | Tip 9: When you eat this soup as a main meal, ask yourself a question: Why Vietnamese and Chinese are not fat ... ? The answer lies in a bowl in front of you...

    1 serving $ 1

     9537    5 hours
  • Crackling fritters with sesame

    Crackling fritters with sesame

    Excellent and cheap delicacy that according to our video can handle everyone.

    1 serving $ 0.05

     6033    90 minutes
  • Cheese ice lolly

    Cheese ice lolly

    Excellent ice lolly will be ready in three minutes. |


    Use your imagination and instead of vanilla, add for example, a fruit juice.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     4996    5 minutes
  • Orange gel for washing colored clothes

    Orange gel for washing colored clothes

    Advantages of the wash gel are generally known. But why to buy it if you can make it for a few bucks. |


    Dose approximately 150-200 ml per washing. Each water has different composition, so start with this dose, which can be adjusted later if necessary. |

    Industrially produced gels have a different consistency, which is easier to dose, but the effect on washing is same. |

    If you want to use the gel on white linens, add this homemade bleach. Diapers and white linens will literally shine.




    1 serving $ 0.05

     4525    30 minutes
  • Baked pasta with ham

    Baked pasta with ham

    This quick and delicious dish is very simple and the result is guaranteed... | Serve this delicious and light meal with a rich side dish ...

    1 serving $ 0.82

     6942    35 minutes
  • Spinach with cream

    Spinach with cream


     3602    15 minutes
  • Spanish pork roll

    Spanish pork roll

    Great Spanish roll not only for gourmets. Excellent side dish is mashed potatoes. | If you follow the instructions carefully, then you handle it even if you are a complete beginner!

    1 serving $ 0.77

     6395    100 minutes
  • Tomato sauce

    Tomato sauce

    One of the most popular sauces. Everyone knows it, but what to put in it and in what quantities? From this recipe you will learn everything!

    1 serving $ 0.18

     11723    15 minutes
  • Baked pasta with smoked meat

    Baked pasta with smoked meat

    Easy baked pasta recipe in different variations. It's one of our most viewed recipes. |First 30 minutes bake with the lid on to prevent the dish from drying. After pouring the egg mixture bake without the lid to achieve crispy top.

    1 serving $ 0.64

     13006    90 minutes
  • Mashed potatoes

    Mashed potatoes

    Mashed potatoes knows everyone, but how to cook it properly and is it healthy? If you are on diet, then reduce the amount of butter to a minimum. | Instead of butter you can use olive oil, however, the resulting taste will be completely different.  | All of potato plant is poisonous - fortunately except of tubers.

    1 serving $ 0.36

     4601    30 minutes