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Number of visits:: 8411x
Language: Česky Slovensky
1.25 ($ 0.09/serving)
1 hour
12 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 1064 kJ (254 kcal) 13 %
  • Sugar 15.01 g   17 %
  • Fats 9.86 g   14 %
  • Saturates 0.41 g   2 %
  • Sodium 0.048 g   2 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

Excellent and attractive apple pie, which may look complicated, but it is very easy if you watch our video.

apples grated 450 g 279,4 kcal
crystal sugar 2 tbsp + 100 g into the dough 124 g 497,5 kcal
vanilla sugar 1 packet 20 g 80,2 kcal
ground cinnamon 1 tsp 2 g 3,3 kcal
cake flour 300 g 1074,8 kcal
baking powder 1/2 packet, 1 teaspoonfull 6 g 4,8 kcal
margarine 125 g 835,9 kcal
egg 1 piece into the dough + 1 piece to spread over the pie 120 g 159,5 kcal
milk 3 tbsp {text:"We can use any milk - semi-skimmed, whole milk or skimmed milk..."} 21 ml 13,3 kcal
sunflower oil to grease a tray {text:"to taste, use your favourite oil, for us the best is sunflower oil", title: "Which is the best?"} 3 ml 24,9 kcal
all purpose flour 1 tablespoon to sprinkle a tray 3 g 10,3 kcal
  1. Apple lattice pie begins with grating apples into small pieces. Put them in an appropriate bowl and according to their taste, add about 2 tablespoons of sugar. This amount applies to ordinary sweet apples. Next, add a packet of vanilla sugar and a teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Mix everything well and the filling is ready.
  2. On a board put 300 grams cake flour, 100 grams of sugar, a half of baking powder and mix.
  3. Add 125 grams softened margarine, one egg and begin to knead the dough. After a minute, add 3 tablespoons of milk and continue to knead.
  4. Of the finished dough cut 1/4, which we use for making the latice.
  5. Sprinkle the flour underneath and on a top of a dough, so it will not stick to the roller. Roll-out the dough, slightly larger than the tray in which we will bake the pie.
  6. Greas the tray with oil and sprinkle it over with 1 tbsp of flour. If you use a silikone tray, you do not need to sprinkle the flour.
  7. Place the dough on roller and move it on to the tray, see our video. Make sure that the dough goes all over the tray. Cut the excess edges.
  8.  Add the apple filling, smooth it so it is equally high.
  9. The cut edges mix with 1/4 of separated dough and roll-out into the size of a tray. Do not forget to flour the surface and the dough so it doesn´t stick to the roller.
  10. Cut it into stripes, which size is up to you.
  11. According to the video place the dough strips on the pie, then brush the entire pie with mixed egg.
  12. Bake at 180 °C for about 40 minutes. {colorQ :"red", text: "The stated time is always an approximate information. Each oven bakes differently, so you have to watch each dish carefully.", Title: "Why is it so?"}
  13. Finally, we can sprinkle the apple pie with sugar, which is definitely welcomed by children.


The top of a cake can be decorated with whipped cream and served with coffee, tea, or just enjoy it with mulled wine.

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    1 serving $ 0.23

     5878    40 minutes
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    Do not increase the temperature to speed up cooking. Just slow roasting secures a balanced fragility of all ingredients.

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    In this video recipe you learn how to easily make homemade ham with 99% meat content. For a low salt content and the absence of many chemicals is compared to manufactured ham suitable for childeren. It is not only excellent, but you'll know exactly what it contains. It is really worth to try it. |

    The only chemical that must be used is sodium nitrite. Without it, it would be just a piece of boiled meat, but still compared to manufactured ham it is much healthier, moreover, there are no strange color stabilizers etc.. Specifically, in this recipe, in 1 kg of ham there is only 0.075 g of sodium nitrite. Anyone who has ever eaten any sausages, already ingested nitrite in multiple quantities, so there's no need to worry. |

    In the recipe ham contains as much salt as bought one. So if you do not like much salt, use less of curring salt -  20 g per kilogram of meat. |

    This ham can not be stored as long as bought one. We recommend to use it up to 3 days or freeze it. It is also possible to use different containers with the possibility of vacuum - the suction air. |

    This salt mixture cannot be used directly for flavoring meals.

    1 serving $ 5.55

     36253    3 hours
  • Pork roasts

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    Traditionally this dish is served with sauerkraut and dumplings.

    1 serving $ 0.59

     6635    100 minutes
  • True American hamburger

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    After you taste this hamburger, you will not compare it with the one you have been eating in fastfoods! | Of course, you expect it will be good, but you will be surprised by the excellent taste. This hamburger is really worth trying and you will never go to fastfood again. In addition, the portions are really big. | Remember that the meat must rest not only before but also after cooking. | Best burgers in New York is supposedly prepared from a mixture of meat from the ribs and neck. Fat also plays a role, as it is characterized by a strong beef flavor. | Predecessor of hamburger was a tartare steak - bits of ground meat mixed with spices, onion and egg, which is served raw. And thence its name comes from. German port city of Hamburg  traded with a raw meat. Later, someone thought about roasting this meat and hamhurger was born.

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     8806    15 minutes
  • Hamburger McDonalds original

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    1 serving $ 1.27

     9179    15 minutes
  • Spaghetti carbonara

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    1 serving $ 0.68

     11745    20 minutes
  • Mashed potatoes

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    Mashed potatoes knows everyone, but how to cook it properly and is it healthy? If you are on diet, then reduce the amount of butter to a minimum. | Instead of butter you can use olive oil, however, the resulting taste will be completely different.  | All of potato plant is poisonous - fortunately except of tubers.

    1 serving $ 0.36

     4601    30 minutes
  • McDonald´s french fries

    McDonald´s french fries

    Absolutely fantastic fries, which are known from McDonald's fast food. They are much cheaper and you can do them anytime and anywhere you want. |

    Serve hot without cooling. |

    You may find this recipe difficult, but afterwards you will not do it any other fries. |

    When searching for Golden syrup, google will certainly help you.

    1 serving $ 0.36

     12347    50 minutes
  • Cabbage fritters

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    Excellent and quick cabbage fritters with videorecipe. |

    Cabbage fritters can be served hot or cold, and they are also excellent as a side dish to a less fat soup.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     6758    30 minutes
  • Whipped chocolate cup

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    1 serving $ 0.27

     6245    20 minutes
  • Chicken thighs with carrot

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    Serve with bread, pastries, but the best with potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.73

     3799    150 minutes
  • Dill soup

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    Excellent and delicious dill soup with eggs of our grandmother´s recipes. | If you use pickled dill, add it in only after cooked potatoes. It contains vinegar, which would cause that the potatoes would cook longer. | If you like sour soup, add a little vinegar before thickening. Add it carefully in small amounts. You can always add. .... :-)

    1 serving $ 0.32

     5054    50 minutes
  • Carp fries

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    Sensationally delicious carp speciality that tastes even those who do not eat much fish. |Fries are probably best with potato salad, but also with mashed potatoes. It is also delicious cold with bread.

    1 serving $ 0.73

     13228    100 minutes
  • Provencal grilled pork

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    Excellent and easy way to grill pork. | 


    If you do not have handy grill, then you can also do it on a quality pan. You proceed in the same way. Set a temperature of around 160°C and do not use any oil - as there is enough fat in pork itself.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     5044    40 minutes
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    Which are the things to watch out, where to cut and where not? What do carp soup belongs and what does not? You will find the answer in this video recipe. | At the begining of gutting concentrate on gall. You must not cut it because the whole fish would be spoiled (it would be unbearably bitter). Therefore separate viscera from meat as soon as possible - so if the gall bursts, at least the meat would remain good. The main principle of this step is do not insert knife deep into the fish. | If you have small children - remember that you are working with a very sharp knife. Do not walk away, until you clear the knife away. Children may want to help you, and in an unguarded moment can harm themselves. 


  • Cabbage rolls with minced meat

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    Excellent and fast rolls that will smell good even to your neighbors.

    1 serving $ 0.5

     4051    2 hours
  • Hokkaido pumpkin soup

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    Excellent soup which love in the Far East, but its roots are in New England. | If you grow pumpkins in the garden, then you have this delicious soup for almost free.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     9236    45minutes