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Number of visits:: 6759x
Language: Česky Slovensky
1.37 ($ 0.14/serving)
30 minutes
10 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 1171 kJ (280 kcal) 14 %
  • Sugar 1.16 g   1 %
  • Fats 16.18 g   23 %
  • Saturates 0.58 g   3 %
  • Sodium 0.343 g   14 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

Excellent and quick cabbage fritters with videorecipe.

sauerkraut white can also be sterilized 400 g 22 kcal
cake flour 500 g 1791,3 kcal
salt 1/2 tsp 6 g 0,3 kcal
egg 1 piece 60 g 79,8 kcal
lard with cracklings 140 g 1036,5 kcal
marjoram 1 tsp 1 g 0 kcal
sunflower oil or lard 30 g 249 kcal
  1. Cabbage fritters begin slicing sauerkraut into small pieces. Squeeze the water from the cabbage a little. The pieces of cabbage should not be longer than 1 cm.
  2. Into a bowl put 500 grams of flour, add about 1/2 to 1 teaspoon salt (depends how salty is cabbage), and mix.
  3. Add 1 egg and sliced ​​cabbage. Next, add the lard with cracklings. Do not forget to add marjoram and stir. Someone likes when the crackling are bigger, someone wants to have them grounded, it depends on your taste.
  4. If you found difficult to mix the dough in a bowl, move it on the worktop and mix it manually with hands.
  5. Put some flour under the dough and roll out into thick pancake about 8 mm.
  6. With a sharp cutter cut any shape. In our example, the circles are 4 cm big, which seems like the perfect size.
  7. Fry the fritters in oil or fat at a temperature of 120° C on both sides until golden brown.
  8. Ready fritters place on absorbent cloth, to drain off excess fat.

Cabbage fritters can be served hot or cold, and they are also excellent as a side dish to a less fat soup.

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    Spinach with cream


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  • Delicious marinated pork neck

    Delicious marinated pork neck

    This is a really excellent meal. Preparation is extremely easy and so according to our video can be managed by everyone. |This food is delicious with potatoes, mashed potatoes, bread and pastries.

    1 serving $ 0.73

     15549    100 minutes
  • Hungarian goulash

    Hungarian goulash

    This is actually false Hungarian goulash. True Hungarian goulash is in fact sparse, since it is not thickened. That is the particularity of this dish in Hungary.

    1 serving $ 1.23

     5159    120 minutes
  • Baked pasta with smoked meat

    Baked pasta with smoked meat

    Easy baked pasta recipe in different variations. It's one of our most viewed recipes. |First 30 minutes bake with the lid on to prevent the dish from drying. After pouring the egg mixture bake without the lid to achieve crispy top.

    1 serving $ 0.64

     13006    90 minutes
  • Provencal grilled pork

    Provencal grilled pork

    Excellent and easy way to grill pork. | 


    If you do not have handy grill, then you can also do it on a quality pan. You proceed in the same way. Set a temperature of around 160°C and do not use any oil - as there is enough fat in pork itself.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     5044    40 minutes
  • Pork kidneys in cream

    Pork kidneys in cream

    Pork kidneys is a great delicacy, but it needs to be done well to get rid of the smell and enjoy it. | 


    This dish can be served with rice, dumplings or potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.68

     4583    45 minutes
  • Vanish for stains and dirt for a few bucks

    Vanish for stains and dirt for a few bucks

    Absolutely environmentally friendly product and excellent bleach even for allergic, which is of same composition sold under the name Vanish. And we all know that it works. For a few bucks and the same composition made at home from available and inexpensive chemicals. Your curtains and diapers will shine beautifullly. |


    Dose approximately 2-3 tablespoons per 1  washing. Each water has different composition, so start with this dose, which can be adjusted later if necessary. |

    Keep away from children. |

    Both substances are biodegradable and therefore environmentally friendly.

    1 serving $ 0.91

     4310    1 minute
  • Poppy seed cake with lemon icing

    Poppy seed cake with lemon icing

    A delicious dessert with a quick preparation. Just throw the ingredience in a bowl, stir and put in the oven. The result is absolutely excellent and for a few bucks. |To find out weather the cake is ready stick a cocktail stick into it, and pull it out, if it´s a non-stick, you're done. Test it not only on the edges but also in the middle of a cake.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     7369    90 minutes
  • Chicken thighs with garlic

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    Everyone knows that this chicken recipe is a delicacy. | Chicken is traditionally the best with potatoes and cucumber salad.

    1 serving $ 0.45

     6271    60 minutes
  • French garlic soup

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    This soup is done very quickly and for a few bucks ...

    1 serving $ 0.27

     4503    40 minutes
  • Chocolate croissant with cinnamon

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    Excellent and very easy to make croissants without any tricks and with minimal effort.

    1 serving $ 0.09

     8728    40 minutes
  • Onion fingers

    Onion fingers

    Excellent cheap and healthy delicacy, which, according to our video you can prepare quite easily. | According to this recipe you can make about 24 regular-sized fingers.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     7893    40 minutes
  • True cabbage soup

    True cabbage soup

    Great Cabbage soup without chemicals and stabilizers, as our grandmothers have cooked. |

    Soup is excellent with fresh bread or pastries which can be white or wholemeal.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     6437    45 minutes
  • Sponge cake

    Sponge cake

    Videorecept for the classic fast sponge cake without any knowledge about cooking. | Do not bang with the oven door, otherwise, the cake could collide. Decorate it only after it completely cools down.

    1 serving $ 0.09

     6406    30 minutes
  • True American hamburger

    True American hamburger

    After you taste this hamburger, you will not compare it with the one you have been eating in fastfoods! | Of course, you expect it will be good, but you will be surprised by the excellent taste. This hamburger is really worth trying and you will never go to fastfood again. In addition, the portions are really big. | Remember that the meat must rest not only before but also after cooking. | Best burgers in New York is supposedly prepared from a mixture of meat from the ribs and neck. Fat also plays a role, as it is characterized by a strong beef flavor. | Predecessor of hamburger was a tartare steak - bits of ground meat mixed with spices, onion and egg, which is served raw. And thence its name comes from. German port city of Hamburg  traded with a raw meat. Later, someone thought about roasting this meat and hamhurger was born.

    1 serving $ 1.41

     8806    15 minutes
  • Marinated chicken  bits

    Marinated chicken bits

    Marinated meat becomes very brittle, so then the cooking time is very short. Meat also becomes nice and juicy.

    1 serving $ 0.45

     6571    30 minutes
  • Pork liver with onions

    Pork liver with onions

    This dish certainly is not a diet food, but the taste of English bacon is impressive...

    1 serving $ 0.91

     6358    30 minutes
  • Baked potato with English bacon

    Baked potato with English bacon

    English bacon along with garlic adds excellent royal taste. In addition, the plate looks very nice and it is for only few bucks.|

    The advantage is that in one go you can prepare a dish for vegetarians as well as for the meat lovers. The choice of ingredients is huge, it is up to your imagination.|

    Two potatoes each of about 150 g is enough for one adult. The third piece of it can hardly anybody handle.máslo

    1 serving $ 0.73

     13867    100 minutes
  • French potatoes

    French potatoes

    One of many classic recipes for French potatoes which you do not have to pre-cook. | 


    The most important ingredient in this recipe is a sausage. If you use poor quality chicken sausage, the result will not be as good as if you used a good quality sausage.


    1 serving $ 0.64

     4503    100 minutes
  • Tiramisu


    Are you discouraged by the price of this cake?  In January 2014 in the center of Prague we have seen the same weight tiramisu for 1,000 crowns. Do you still find our recipe expensive? In addition, you'll know exactly what it contains and you can perhaps make a smaller portion. These ingredients are caunted on a really big cake. | This delicious cake is not intended for long-term storage because of the fresh eggs it contains. So make it always a fresh one and store it in the refrigerator up to 24 hours. 

    1 serving $ 0.36

     7347    15 minutes