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Number of visits:: 8808x
Language: Česky Slovensky
2.79 ($ 1.41/serving)
15 minutes
2 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 750 kJ (179 kcal) 9 %
  • Sugar 1.15 g   1 %
  • Fats 10.9 g   16 %
  • Saturates 0.29 g   1 %
  • Sodium 0.527 g   22 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

After you taste this hamburger, you will not compare it with the one you have been eating in fastfoods!

minced beef back with a fat content of about 20% {text: "You can use a beef back with 40% of front, or beef shoulders."} 300 g 442,1 kcal
salt 1/4 tsp 3 g 0,1 kcal
cheese gouda or cheddar cheese 2 slices 20 g 79,4 kcal
sesame roll or what you wish 100 g 224 kcal
mayonnaise 2 tsp 20 g 135,7 kcal
ketchup 2 tsp 20 g 22 kcal
tomatoes 4 slices 20 g 4,5 kcal
gherkins 4 slices 8 g 1,7 kcal
iceberg lettuce raw 2 lettuces 10 g 1,4 kcal
onion 4 slices 10 g 4,1 kcal
  1. Put the meat into a suitable bowl and add 1/4 teaspoon of salt.
  2. Mix well and leave to rest in the fridge for 1/2 hour, the best for 3-6 hours. If you plan to grill the meat in the evening, then prepare it in the morning.
  3. From the meat form two burgers about 1.5 to 2 cm thick. Place them on a hot plate or a grill. If you want to make a burger in a pan, use a good quality pan without fat. (The temperature in all cases, 220-250 °C)
  4. Season the meat on the grill with salt and pepper. Grill for about 3 minutes, then turn over. (Pepper and salt goes only on one side of meat)
  5. After turning over, add a slice of cheese, cover with a suitable bowl and leave it for 30 seconds. The cheese melts better. Meanwhile put halved sesame rolls on a grill with a cut side downwards.
  6. Then take the meat out and let it rest for about 3 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile spread mayonnaise on one side of the roll and ketchup on the other.
  8. Decorate according the video attached with a cucumber, tomato, onion and lettuce. You can also add the mustard and everything you love.
  9. If you do not like melted cheese then add it after you take the meat from the grill.
Of course, you expect it will be good, but you will be surprised by the excellent taste. This hamburger is really worth trying and you will never go to fastfood again. In addition, the portions are really big.
Remember that the meat must rest not only before but also after cooking.
Best burgers in New York is supposedly prepared from a mixture of meat from the ribs and neck. Fat also plays a role, as it is characterized by a strong beef flavor.
Predecessor of hamburger was a tartare steak - bits of ground meat mixed with spices, onion and egg, which is served raw. And thence its name comes from. German port city of Hamburg  traded with a raw meat. Later, someone thought about roasting this meat and hamhurger was born.

  • Cheesecake with a pear topping

    Cheesecake with a pear topping

    Very simple cheesecake without cooking, which can handle anybody. You can use your imagination when decorating. |


    You can decorate it with any fruit and pour over various fruit or chocolate topping. |


    You can also prepare a smaller cheesecake using the half-dose ingredients.

    1 serving $ 0.73

     3996    40 minutes
  • Easter stuffing

    Easter stuffing

    Exquisite dish that prepare a lot of people, not only for Easter. This stuffing is wonderful throughout the year! |

    In the stuffing traditionally belongs chopped young nettles. However, if you do not have it, a great substitution is a parsley. | It can be served as a separate dish, for example, with bread slices spread with mustard and stuffing or it is delicious with mashed potatoes. Serve with a rich vegetable garnish.

    1 serving $ 0.32

     12295    70 minutes
  • Grilled pork neck with rosemary

    Grilled pork neck with rosemary

    Barbecues lovers should certainly try this pork with herbs. | 


    Meat on the grill never impale, but either scoop up or use tongs.

    1 serving $ 0.77

     4742    30 minutes
  • Minced meat rolls

    Minced meat rolls

    Quick, tasty and a cheap food. If you use quality minced meat without fat the rolls will be surprisingly tasty. | 

    Serve with potatoes, mustard and pickles.

    1 serving $ 0.64

     4274    40 minutes
  • Rendered lard

    Rendered lard

    New findings has not confirmed that the body fat increases cholesterol and act as cardiac and vascular disease.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     5121    1 hour
  • Poppy seed sourdough cakes

    Poppy seed sourdough cakes

    Poppy seed cakes knows everyone, but they are quite expensive. You can prepare a full bowl of them for a few bucks and they will taste much better than store-bought ones. |

    This amount will do about 26 cakes with a diameter of 8 cm.

    1 serving $ 0.09

     11986    45 minutes
  • Crackling fritters with sesame

    Crackling fritters with sesame

    Excellent and cheap delicacy that according to our video can handle everyone.

    1 serving $ 0.05

     6033    90 minutes
  • Roasted shank with garlic

    Roasted shank with garlic


     3811    150 minutes
  • Spicy pork goulash

    Spicy pork goulash

    A simple pork goulash which can handle everyone. Just stick to the video attached.

    1 serving $ 0.91

     12167    100 minutes
  • French potatoes

    French potatoes

    One of many classic recipes for French potatoes which you do not have to pre-cook. | 


    The most important ingredient in this recipe is a sausage. If you use poor quality chicken sausage, the result will not be as good as if you used a good quality sausage.


    1 serving $ 0.64

     4504    100 minutes
  • Marble cake

    Marble cake

    Classic simple yet perfect marble cake, where you have nothing to spoil. All you need is a few ingredients.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     7754    1 hour
  • Hungarian goulash

    Hungarian goulash

    This is actually false Hungarian goulash. True Hungarian goulash is in fact sparse, since it is not thickened. That is the particularity of this dish in Hungary.

    1 serving $ 1.23

     5159    120 minutes
  • Pork lard soap

    Pork lard soap

    The basic recipe for making soap. How can you enriched the soap with nourishing, fragrant and colorful components you'll see in the next video recipes. | 


    Always sprinkle hydroxide in water, never pour water into hydroxide! Would occur chemical reaction - instant boiling liquid with a strong sputtering. However, if you pour hydroxide in water, that will not happen. A glass or other container should be able to stand temperature around 90°C, since the fluid is hot. If you follow these principles, the production of soap is safe. | 


    The most important is to wear protective eyeglasses and gloves. Working with a strong basic agent, spillage could cause injury to eyes and the skin. In no case should be children present while working on the recipe. | 


    Sodium hydroxide is highly hygroscopic substance. In practice this means that immediately after weighing close the container, otherwise the substance absorbs moisture within seconds and the crystals will be bonded. | 


    Do not inhale vapours while cooking.

    1 serving $ 3.14

     5325    45 minutes
  • Mexican pork

    Mexican pork

    This dish is a little bit spicy, but surprisingly tasty even for some older children. It is done quickly and relatively cheap. Mainly men love it. | 


    This dish is delicious with potatoes, but if someone may prefer dumplings...

    1 serving $ 1.14

     4738    30 minutes
  • Tomato sauce

    Tomato sauce

    One of the most popular sauces. Everyone knows it, but what to put in it and in what quantities? From this recipe you will learn everything!

    1 serving $ 0.18

     11723    15 minutes
  • Vegetable salad with lamb's lettuce

    Vegetable salad with lamb's lettuce

    Very healthy salad that can be eaten by itself, or it is also excellent with fish.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     4337    10 minutes
  • Homemade pork ham without emulsifier

    Homemade pork ham without emulsifier

    In this video recipe you learn how to easily make homemade ham with 99% meat content. For a low salt content and the absence of many chemicals is compared to manufactured ham suitable for childeren. It is not only excellent, but you'll know exactly what it contains. It is really worth to try it. |

    The only chemical that must be used is sodium nitrite. Without it, it would be just a piece of boiled meat, but still compared to manufactured ham it is much healthier, moreover, there are no strange color stabilizers etc.. Specifically, in this recipe, in 1 kg of ham there is only 0.075 g of sodium nitrite. Anyone who has ever eaten any sausages, already ingested nitrite in multiple quantities, so there's no need to worry. |

    In the recipe ham contains as much salt as bought one. So if you do not like much salt, use less of curring salt -  20 g per kilogram of meat. |

    This ham can not be stored as long as bought one. We recommend to use it up to 3 days or freeze it. It is also possible to use different containers with the possibility of vacuum - the suction air. |

    This salt mixture cannot be used directly for flavoring meals.

    1 serving $ 5.55

     36262    3 hours
  • Coleslaw salad

    Coleslaw salad

    Excellent, very quick and healthy salad that will handle everybody.

    1 serving $ 0.09

     4206    5 minutes
  • Leek soup with cheese croutons

    Leek soup with cheese croutons

    Great soup with croutons, which is also served in the most expensive restaurants.

    1 serving $ 0.32

     3489    25 minutes
  • Devilish toast baked with cheese

    Devilish toast baked with cheese

    This recipe describes the production of hot spread, which is suitable not only for the toast, but also to prepare many other delicacies. | You know - in the evening comes a bunch of people to visit, but what is to offer? This spicy dish handles everyone,it doesn´t cost much and the result is guaranteed. | As the amount of this hot sauce is around 1 liter, it can be safely inserted into clean jars and sterilized for 15 minutes in water at 90° C. | Sauce as the name suggests is hot, yet for some children very tasty. Decision if this dish is served to children is up to you .... | Imagination has no limits, so you can decorate it with slices of hard boiled egg ​​or pickled cucumber and pepper. | If you put this sauce on a large pan and add 30 eggs then this bunch of people burst bursts overfeeding :-) | When you take advantage of discounts on summer vegetables, then you have this delicacy for a few bucks.

    1 serving $ 0.55

     8088    60 minutes