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Number of visits:: 28459x
Language: Česky Slovensky
2.9 ($ 1.45/serving)
80 minutes
2 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 757 kJ (181 kcal) 9 %
  • Sugar 1.05 g   1 %
  • Fats 14.07 g   20 %
  • Saturates 6.06 g   30 %
  • Sodium 0.007 g   0 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

It's no diet dish, but the taste is excellent! In addition, one serving, according to this recipe, is really huge.

pork neck 4 smaller slices 400 g 869,4 kcal
dijon mustard 4 tsp 40 g 64 kcal
onion 1 large 100 g 41,1 kcal
egg 1 piece 60 g 79,8 kcal
gherkins 3 pieces 120 g 25,2 kcal
smoked meat the filling {text:"You can also use sausage."} 40 g 32,1 kcal
dried vegeteble 1 tsp tutorial on home production {text:"This will guarantee that it does not contain glutamate, or other chemicals. ", Title:" Why produce at home?"} {text:"You can also use dried vegetable containing glutamate, but not everyone wants it in their food. The decision is up to you.."} {text:"In the section: What is it? you find out what the glutamate is"} 4 g 11,3 kcal
lard 2 tbsp or oil 40 g 296,2 kcal
cake flour 4 tsp - as neede 20 g 71,7 kcal
cooking thread about 5 meters 0 -
  1. Pound the pork with a meat mallet into the thinner slices and brush one side with dijon mustard.
  2. On the meat put a 1/2 of boiled egg, a piece of cucumber, onion, sausage and cover with another slice of pork neck. You can see everything in the video attached.
  3. Pork slices with filling carefully tie with cooking thread.
  4. Rolls on all sides season lightly with salt and sprinkle with dried vegetables. It gives great taste.
  5. Fry the rolls in oil or lard at 120°C on all sides.
  6. Then add the chopped onion, pour water so that they are almost completely covered and stew for about an hour until tender. When stewing check the quantity of water.
  7. Thicken with a mixture of flour with a little bit of water, add this 2 chopped gherkins, cook for about three minutes and serve.

This dish is best served with rice, but you may also like it with dumplings.

  • Mexican pork belly in a pan

    Mexican pork belly in a pan

    Have you got a pork belly in a freezer and you do not know what to do with it? Try this simple recipe. |

    If you get rid of some melted fat, you will end up with far more favorable value than the GDA shows. |

    Probably the best is to serve with potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.86

     4959    50 minutes
  • Cabbage fritters

    Cabbage fritters

    Excellent and quick cabbage fritters with videorecipe. |

    Cabbage fritters can be served hot or cold, and they are also excellent as a side dish to a less fat soup.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     6758    30 minutes
  • Simple French potatoes

    Simple French potatoes


     4290    90 minutes
  • Quick fried egg

    Quick fried egg

    You'd be surprised how many people can not handle this very simple dish. However, with hot tea this is a extracheap delicacy.

    1 serving $ 0.27

     11459    10 minutes
  • Cinnamon snails

    Cinnamon snails

    Excellent ultrafast delicacy. If you are expecting someone, this dish is just right.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     12381    45 minutes
  • Excellent chicken risotto

    Excellent chicken risotto

    Even if you have never cooked, according to this video you can do an excellent risotto quite handily. It will be not only juicy, but full of spicy vegetable and meat taste. |This recipe took almost 50 hours including filming, photographing, editing and subtitling, but the result is a really excellent guide to an excellent risotto that will satisfy even the most demanding diners. It's a pity just for vegetarians.

    1 serving $ 0.68

     7145    50 minutes
  • Fish spread

    Fish spread

    Fast, cheap, healthy and tasty dinner, which you should certainly try.

    1 serving $ 0.27

     8364    30 minutes
  • Chickpea crisps

    Chickpea crisps

    Taste like roasted nut, or roasted chestnut and, moreover, it has health benefits ... 

    1 serving $ 0.09

     7536    100 minutes
  • Minced meat patties

    Minced meat patties

    Traditional food from relatively cheap ingredients that you can make a hundreds of ways. Feel free to experiment with the addition of non-traditional ingredients. | 


    Minced meat patties can be kept in the refrigerator for several days and they will be still excellent snack on the go.

    1 serving $ 0.45

     4822    60 minutes
  • Homemade chocolate quark dessert

    Homemade chocolate quark dessert

    Why buy expensive and sugary quark dessert when you can prepare it at home for a few bucks? |

    Next time let your children prepare this quark dessert. They will be delighted and will certainly learn something.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     8929    5 minutes
  • Gingerbread with jam for five minutes

    Gingerbread with jam for five minutes

    This gingerbread is made in a really short time. | Keep in mind that this recipe is really such an emergency - if you are in a hurry. If you have time, bake the  gingerbread normel way in a hot oven, then it will be not only tastier but also it will last longer. In this case, bake at 180 ° C for about 20-30 minutes. {text: "To find out weather the cake is ready stick a cocktail stick into it, and pull it out, if it´s a non-stick, you're done. Test it not only on the edges but also in the middle of a cake."}

    1 serving $ 0.23

     6422    5 minutes
  • True potato soup

    True potato soup

    True home made potato soup will satisfy even the greatest gourmets. | The soup is traditionally the best with crusty bread, and if thicker, can be served as a main dish. | If you do not want glutamate, use home made dried vegetable. Recipe can be found HERE. | If you do not want to use meat bouillon cube, you can use about 1/2 liter of strong broth.

    1 serving $ 0.32

     4539    60 minutes
  • Baked potato with English bacon

    Baked potato with English bacon

    English bacon along with garlic adds excellent royal taste. In addition, the plate looks very nice and it is for only few bucks.|

    The advantage is that in one go you can prepare a dish for vegetarians as well as for the meat lovers. The choice of ingredients is huge, it is up to your imagination.|

    Two potatoes each of about 150 g is enough for one adult. The third piece of it can hardly anybody handle.máslo

    1 serving $ 0.73

     13866    100 minutes
  • Curry chicken with pasta

    Curry chicken with pasta

    Well known sauce with pasta, which according to our video can handle even absolute beginner.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     6729    90 minutes
  • Quick sponge biscuits delicacy

    Quick sponge biscuits delicacy

    They are very well known, but not everyone knows that they are very simple to prepare. Older children like to prepare them - perhaps because of rum. | Of this amount we get about 30 wasp nests.

    1 serving $ 0.05

     4275    30 minutes
  • Marinated spicy pork

    Marinated spicy pork

    Excellent, slightly spicy marinated pork, which can handle everyone. |


    Can be served with bread, pastries, potatoes, mashed potatoes, or just the way you will enjoy the most. |


    The amount of marinade will be enough for up to 1.5 kg of meat.

    1 serving $ 0.77

     4373    2 hours
  • Chicken roll

    Chicken roll

    Excellent and simple roll that can handle everyone. Parsley can be replaced by a young chopped nettle. |


    Serve as you will enjoy the most, for example with mashed potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.59

     5072    2 hours
  • Gingerbread


    This cookies evokes the atmosphere of Christmas with all the trimmings. They are not only beautiful on Christmas tree or on the table but also taste delicious. |Decorating is a great fun also for children. Bake them and let kids decorate it. It will be fun for hours.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     8519    40 minutes
  • Phở bò tái almost fat free

    Phở bò tái almost fat free

    Pho bo ( pronounced "pfa bo " ) soup is a hit of nowadays.. If you follow our instructions, you will find it quite simple. Firstly, read the entire instructions, watch a video, and then you just have to print the ingredients and go shopping. Our tips can be found at the end of this recipe. | Tip 1: Make broth always in large quantities. Do not worry that soup won´t be tasty. The broth can be easily frozen. It's the most difficult part, the rest is ready in the bowl in a minute. | Tip 2: You will have some difficulies to find the herbs in ordinary shops, but in Vietnam marketplaces they will advise you. For this case we have also named the herbs in Vietnam language, so they immediately know which one it is. | Tip 3: The most common herbs are Mexican coriander and mung sprouts. Coriander, perilla and Vietnam basil herbs are very aromatic, and thus use very little of them. | Tip 4 : Use beef bones, tail and ribs in various combinations. It does not matter if you use them in different quantities. But always use marrowbones. | Tip 5 : Rinse the meat thoroughly in cold water and bake the bones as directed. This saves you a time with replacing the water, as stated in some other recipes. | Tip 6: Do not look for the original recipe for soup Pho, it does not exist. On the internet, we went through hundreds of recipes, but none of them were the same. | Tip 7: What to do with meat that was left of the broth? It is a soup called "phở bò chín", of which the recipe can be fond HERE.  | Tip 8: This soup costs in various restaurants from 79 up to 259 crowns. At this price the average family eats this soup at home 3 times. Do not underestimate the soup because is full of vitamins and minerals. | Tip 9: If you find this soup too fatty, then let the broth cool completely and the second day pick up all fat with a spoon, and then you have a great and healthy diet soup. | Tip 10: When you eat this soup as a main meal, ask yourself a question: Why Vietnamese and Chinese are not fat ... ? The answer lies in a bowl in front of you...

    1 serving $ 1

     9099    5 hours
  • Fried potatoes with chicken bits in French style

    Fried potatoes with chicken bits in French style

    Excellent and balanced quick meal, which, according to the video you can handle easily.

    1 serving $ 1.14

     7190    40 minutes