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Number of visits:: 11182x
Language: Česky Slovensky
1.34 ($ 0.23/serving)
40 minutes
6 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 1198 kJ (286 kcal) 14 %
  • Sugar 1.86 g   2 %
  • Fats 11.76 g   17 %
  • Saturates 0.05 g   0 %
  • Sodium 0.172 g   7 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

Delicious pea soup which can be cooked not only for special occasions. It is prepared for a few bucks and it is very tasty.

pea 200 g 707 kcal
bouillon cube 1 and half cube (without chemicals) 19.5 g 0,6 kcal
dried vegeteble 1 tsp tutorial on home production {text:"This will guarantee that it does not contain glutamate, or other chemicals. ", Title:" Why produce at home?"} {text:"You can also use dried vegetable containing glutamate, but not everyone wants it in their food. The decision is up to you.."} {text:"In the section: What is it? you find out what the glutamate is"} 4 g 11,3 kcal
onion 1 piece 80 g 32,9 kcal
poultry sausage 2 pieces 80 g 217,1 kcal
grounded black pepper 1/3 tsp 1.3 g 0,1 kcal
marjoram 2 tsp 1 g 0 kcal
garlic 2 cloves 10 g 11 kcal
lard 1 tbsp + for frying bread 40 g 296,2 kcal
cake flour 4 tsp 20 g 71,7 kcal
parsley leaves for decoration 1 g 0,1 kcal
white toast bread 2 slices 80 g 188,2 kcal
  1. Into a saucepan put peas. Pour over about a liter water and let soak for about 3 hours. This saves a lot of energy for cooking.
  2. After that time add a bouillon cube, a teaspoon of dried vegetables for greater taste and cook until tender.
  3. Then strain the peas, but keep the water for later!
  4. On a tablespoon of lard or oil fry the onion, then add chopped sausages and fry.
  5. Pour water from peas and add cooked peas. Put aside 4 tablespoons of cooked peas for later. Pour as much water as you want soup. Add pepper, marjoram, a bit of bouillon (according to taste), crushed garlic and simmer for 5 minutes.
  6. Thicken with a mixture of flour with a little bit of water. About 4 teaspoon of flour and 100 ml of water. After 3 minutes, switch off.
  7. Mix everything with a hand blender and then add 4 tablespoons of peas, which you have put aside. It will make a great effect.
  8. On a tablespoon of oil fry diced toast bread. The most suitable for this purpose is a white toast.
  9. When serving garnish with chopped parsley.
  • Asian chicken

    Asian chicken

    Quick dish, which can handle even a beginner. |

    Serve with couscous, rice, bread, potatoes or simply with what you like.

    1 serving $ 0.77

     12766    30 minutes
  • French pork pocket with vegetable filling

    French pork pocket with vegetable filling

    Easy dish, that according to our video can handle even beginners.

    1 serving $ 1.05

     11848    150 minutes
  • Quick devilish pork neck

    Quick devilish pork neck

    Do not worry about its pungent taste, it does not burn that much. It is a slightly spicy dish that can have even older children. So if you prefer a spicy dish, then this is a real treat! |

    This meal is delicious with potatoes, mashed potatoes, bread and pastries.

    1 serving $ 0.73

     6315    100 minutes
  • Pork roasts

    Pork roasts

    Pork roasts is a dish especially popular among men. How to prepare them properly you´ll learn in this video recipe. |

    Traditionally this dish is served with sauerkraut and dumplings.

    1 serving $ 0.59

     6635    100 minutes
  • Cottage toast

    Cottage toast

    Little-known, quick and cheap dinner is one of the most viewed recipes on our website.

    1 serving $ 0.5

     7259    15 minutes
  • Mixed vegetable salad

    Mixed vegetable salad

    Fast and very tasty salad with a few ingredients and lot of vitamins. Treat yourself with it instead of chips or crisps while watching TV. |When cutting, follow the rule: the harder the ingredient is the smaller pieces you cut.

    1 serving $ 0.18

     7928    15 minutes
  • Pork with dumplings and sauerkraut

    Pork with dumplings and sauerkraut

    This is one of the most famous dishes. Have you not cooked yet? According to this recipe is really a snap! The hardest thing for us was to make comprehensible instructions so that it can understand even the one who cook for the first time. It took almost 100 hours to prepare this recipe.

    1 serving $ 1.27

     4783    2 hours
  • Spicy marinated pork neck

    Spicy marinated pork neck

    Excellent pork neck with a slightly spicy and slightly sweet taste is quite simple to prepare. |

    The food is delicious with potatoes, mashed potatoes, bread and pastries.

    1 serving $ 0.73

     13539    100 minutes
  • Vanish for stains and dirt for a few bucks

    Vanish for stains and dirt for a few bucks

    Absolutely environmentally friendly product and excellent bleach even for allergic, which is of same composition sold under the name Vanish. And we all know that it works. For a few bucks and the same composition made at home from available and inexpensive chemicals. Your curtains and diapers will shine beautifullly. |


    Dose approximately 2-3 tablespoons per 1  washing. Each water has different composition, so start with this dose, which can be adjusted later if necessary. |

    Keep away from children. |

    Both substances are biodegradable and therefore environmentally friendly.

    1 serving $ 0.91

     4310    1 minute
  • Hokkaido pumpkin soup

    Hokkaido pumpkin soup

    Excellent soup which love in the Far East, but its roots are in New England. | If you grow pumpkins in the garden, then you have this delicious soup for almost free.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     9236    45minutes
  • Curry chicken with pasta

    Curry chicken with pasta

    Well known sauce with pasta, which according to our video can handle even absolute beginner.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     6728    90 minutes
  • Cinnamon snails

    Cinnamon snails

    Excellent ultrafast delicacy. If you are expecting someone, this dish is just right.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     12380    45 minutes
  • Chicken broth

    Chicken broth

    Broth is an important ingredient in many dishes. How to properly prepare and store it? | Chicken broth is suitable for the disease. As the grandmother say - it really has a strength. | For the sick people serve it warm in a mug, it can be flavored with a little maggi sauce. | You can prepare a very cheap broth soup by adding 1-2 beaten eggs. Season and salt to taste and it is ready.

    1 serving $ 0.05

     4907    45 minutes
  • Gingerbread


    This cookies evokes the atmosphere of Christmas with all the trimmings. They are not only beautiful on Christmas tree or on the table but also taste delicious. |Decorating is a great fun also for children. Bake them and let kids decorate it. It will be fun for hours.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     8518    40 minutes
  • Chocolate croissant with cinnamon

    Chocolate croissant with cinnamon

    Excellent and very easy to make croissants without any tricks and with minimal effort.

    1 serving $ 0.09

     8726    40 minutes
  • Mushrooms stuffed with blue cheese

    Mushrooms stuffed with blue cheese

    Quick, healthy and cheap food that handles everyone. | This dish is ideal to serve with potatoes or mashed potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.64

     4317    30 minutes
  • Minced meat patties

    Minced meat patties

    Traditional food from relatively cheap ingredients that you can make a hundreds of ways. Feel free to experiment with the addition of non-traditional ingredients. | 


    Minced meat patties can be kept in the refrigerator for several days and they will be still excellent snack on the go.

    1 serving $ 0.45

     4822    60 minutes
  • Dill soup

    Dill soup

    Excellent and delicious dill soup with eggs of our grandmother´s recipes. | If you use pickled dill, add it in only after cooked potatoes. It contains vinegar, which would cause that the potatoes would cook longer. | If you like sour soup, add a little vinegar before thickening. Add it carefully in small amounts. You can always add. .... :-)

    1 serving $ 0.32

     5054    50 minutes
  • Washing powder for white clothes

    Washing powder for white clothes

    You will be surprised how this product work even in hard water from 30°C above. Do not throw away money on overpriced washing powder and make your own from commonly available and inexpensive chemicals. Your curtains and diapers will shine beautifully. |


    Dose approximately 2-3 tablespoons per washing. Each water has different composition, so start with this dose, which can be adjusted later if necessary. |

    Keep away from children, as well as all other detergents.

    1 serving $ 2.09

     4066    2 minutes
  • Minced meat rolls

    Minced meat rolls

    Quick, tasty and a cheap food. If you use quality minced meat without fat the rolls will be surprisingly tasty. | 

    Serve with potatoes, mustard and pickles.

    1 serving $ 0.64

     4274    40 minutes