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Number of visits:: 8530x
Language: Česky Slovensky
4.11 ($ 0.41/serving)
20 minutes
10 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 804 kJ (192 kcal) 10 %
  • Sugar 1.53 g   2 %
  • Fats 4.73 g   7 %
  • Saturates 1.05 g   5 %
  • Sodium 0.133 g   6 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

Do not buy expensive tortillas in fasf food restaurants. No one knows what's in them, and they are overpriced. Even more, they are completely inedible when cooled.

Chinese cabbage 1 cup - cca 150 ml 80 g 12,6 kcal
tomatoes 1 cup 100 g 22,5 kcal
leek 1/2 cup 80 g 33,4 kcal
peppers 1/2 cup (red, yellow, green) 100 g 28,7 kcal
sour cream 1/2 cup 80 ml 79,5 kcal
salt 1/3 teaspoon 4 g 0,2 kcal
sunflower oil 1 tsp 4 ml 33,2 kcal
chicken meat 150 - 200 g (no matter what part of the chicken) 150 g 169,5 kcal
gyros spice 1/2 tsp 5 g 15,8 kcal
wheat tortilla 10 pieces 620 g 1954,6 kcal
  1. In a bowl put cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, leeks, salt and mix well. When cutting follows the rule - the harder ingredients, the smaller pieces you cut. 
  2. Then stir in sour cream. 
  3. Put a teaspoon of oil in a pan, throw in small pieces of sliced ​​chicken. Sprinkle spices "gyros".
  4. Fry until soft. 
  5. On a warm tortilla put a bit of salat, a few pieces of meat, wrap and serve immediately.
Of this amount you can make ​​at least 10 tortillas.

  • Fast shaking mandarin cake

    Fast shaking mandarin cake

    A very simple recipe for a delicious cake with a short preparation time. You can also decorate the cake according to your imagination. | If you buy a smaller corpus than only half the dose of ingredients will be sufficient.

    1 serving $ 0.45

     5133    15 minutes
  • McDonald´s french fries

    McDonald´s french fries

    Absolutely fantastic fries, which are known from McDonald's fast food. They are much cheaper and you can do them anytime and anywhere you want. |

    Serve hot without cooling. |

    You may find this recipe difficult, but afterwards you will not do it any other fries. |

    When searching for Golden syrup, google will certainly help you.

    1 serving $ 0.36

     12347    50 minutes
  • Chicken roll

    Chicken roll

    Excellent and simple roll that can handle everyone. Parsley can be replaced by a young chopped nettle. |


    Serve as you will enjoy the most, for example with mashed potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.59

     5072    2 hours
  • Spicy marinated pork neck

    Spicy marinated pork neck

    Excellent pork neck with a slightly spicy and slightly sweet taste is quite simple to prepare. |

    The food is delicious with potatoes, mashed potatoes, bread and pastries.

    1 serving $ 0.73

     13541    100 minutes
  • Spanish pork roll

    Spanish pork roll

    Great Spanish roll not only for gourmets. Excellent side dish is mashed potatoes. | If you follow the instructions carefully, then you handle it even if you are a complete beginner!

    1 serving $ 0.77

     6395    100 minutes
  • True chicken soup

    True chicken soup


     4867    1 hour
  • Grilled chicken in the oven

    Grilled chicken in the oven

    This chicken is very simple and yet the result is the same as that of a professional grill.

    1 serving $ 0.55

     4464    100 minutes
  • Spicy pork

    Spicy pork

    Spicy pork is quick, hot and very tasty food. Look at video recipe step by step. | 


    This dish is probably best served with rice, but also with soft bread or potatoes or mashed potatoes as well.

    1 serving $ 1.09

     4722    25 minutes
  • Sour lentils

    Sour lentils

    Quick and healthy food for a few bucks which can handle everyone. Lentils contains many health-promoting substances. | 


    Serve with fried egg or boiled egg and pickles. | 


    Instead of vinegar can be used brine from pickled cucumbers. | 

    1 serving $ 0.45

     5086    50 minutes
  • Delicious marinated pork neck

    Delicious marinated pork neck

    This is a really excellent meal. Preparation is extremely easy and so according to our video can be managed by everyone. |This food is delicious with potatoes, mashed potatoes, bread and pastries.

    1 serving $ 0.73

     15549    100 minutes
  • Pork liver with onions

    Pork liver with onions

    This dish certainly is not a diet food, but the taste of English bacon is impressive...

    1 serving $ 0.91

     6358    30 minutes
  • Apple lattice pie

    Apple lattice pie

    Excellent and attractive apple pie, which may look complicated, but it is very easy if you watch our video. | The top of a cake can be decorated with whipped cream and served with coffee, tea, or just enjoy it with mulled wine.

    1 serving $ 0.09

     8411    1 hour
  • Leek soup with cheese croutons

    Leek soup with cheese croutons

    Great soup with croutons, which is also served in the most expensive restaurants.

    1 serving $ 0.32

     3489    25 minutes
  • Rice fritters

    Rice fritters

    When you have leftover cooked rice in a fridge, remember this recipe and you will have dinner for free! |Rice frittters can be served with whatever you like, the most suitable is mashed potatoes or classic boiled potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.18

     6437    30 minutes
  • Mashed potatoes

    Mashed potatoes

    Mashed potatoes knows everyone, but how to cook it properly and is it healthy? If you are on diet, then reduce the amount of butter to a minimum. | Instead of butter you can use olive oil, however, the resulting taste will be completely different.  | All of potato plant is poisonous - fortunately except of tubers.

    1 serving $ 0.36

     4601    30 minutes
  • Carp fries

    Carp fries

    Sensationally delicious carp speciality that tastes even those who do not eat much fish. |Fries are probably best with potato salad, but also with mashed potatoes. It is also delicious cold with bread.

    1 serving $ 0.73

     13228    100 minutes
  • Cottage toast

    Cottage toast

    Little-known, quick and cheap dinner is one of the most viewed recipes on our website.

    1 serving $ 0.5

     7260    15 minutes
  • Onion croquettes

    Onion croquettes

    This recipe has several advantages. Croquettes can served as a side dish to meat or to mashed potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     7164    40 minutes
  • Simple apple strudel

    Simple apple strudel

    Strudel knows everyone. But do you know how to prepare it, in what ratio and what can be added?

    1 serving $ 0.23

     12017    45 minutes
  • Camembert spread with horseradish and apples

    Camembert spread with horseradish and apples

    Delicious spread, which according to our videorecipe will handle anyone.

    1 serving $ 0.32

     8067    10 minutes