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Number of visits:: 5026x
Language: Česky Slovensky
2.17 ($ 1.09/serving)
25 minutes
2 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 729 kJ (174 kcal) 9 %
  • Sugar 0.53 g   1 %
  • Fats 14.38 g   21 %
  • Saturates 7.15 g   36 %
  • Sodium 0.237 g   10 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

Spicy pork is quick, hot and very tasty food. Look at video recipe step by step.

pork neck 2 slices 300 g 652 kcal
sunflower oil 5 tbsp 35 ml 290,5 kcal
English bacon or any 50 g 200,9 kcal
bay leaf 2 leaves 0.1 g 0 kcal
allspice 5 - 6 pieces 0.1 g 0 kcal
chilli pepper 1 piece (canned or fresh) 20 g 3,6 kcal
grounded black pepper 1/3 tsp 1.3 g 0,1 kcal
onion 1 piece 80 g 32,9 kcal
garlic 3 - 4 cloves 15 g 16,5 kcal
cake flour to coat 10 g 35,8 kcal
broth about 200 ml {text:"You can also use a water with magi seasoning or a boiling water with a bouillon ."} 200 ml 6,7 kcal
starch 1/2 tsp 3.5 g 11,4 kcal
salt to taste - about 1/4 tsp 3 g 0,1 kcal
  1. Slices of pork season with salt and coat them in flour. 
  2. In a pan heat oil to about 120°C, and fry slices from both sides. Then take the meat out and reduce oil to about 1 tablespoon. 
  3. In a pan put bacon, sliced ​​garlic, onion, chopped chilli pepper and allspice. Rest for about 2 minutes. 
  4. Pour in broth and put back the slices of meat. Add the pepper, bay leaf and simmer with the lid on until tender. Add some water if needed. 
  5. When everything is soft, pour starch mixed in a little bit of water and simmer for a minute. Then let the water evaporate without a lid on to the desired density. 

Other pork dishes can be found HERE.

- heat the sunflower oil to about 120°C...

- 2 slices of pork season with salt, coat them in flour and put on a pan...

- fry them from both sides...

- then take the meat out...

- oil on the pan reduced to the minimum...

- and add about 50 g chopped bacon...

- 2 - 3 cloves of ​​garlic, 1 onion and 1 chopped chilli pepper...

- abpot 5 - 6 pieces allspice...

- and pour in about 200 ml broth...

- put back the slices of meat...

- add 1/3 tsp pepper and 2 bay leaves...

- if needed add some water...

-  when everything is soft, pour 1/2 tsp starch mixed in a little bit of water and simmer for a minute...

- then let the water evaporate without a lid on to the desired density...

- the best is to serve with rice... 



This dish is probably best served with rice, but also with soft bread or potatoes or mashed potatoes as well.

  • Homemade dried vegetable - glutamate free

    Homemade dried vegetable - glutamate free

    Are you also upset by the word glutamate? And annoys you that you buy the whole celery, consume a piece of it and when you want to use it next time it gets moldy? So this recipe is just for you. |You can dry more of onion, you'll be surprised how good it is dried. |Dried vegetable can also be kept in slices rather than crushed. This way is better to store the ingredients separately. |Did you know that dried vegetable which is sold contains  only 14-15% of vegetable, and everything else is just salt and monosodium glutamate? |The harmfullness of it has never been proven, but it is better to use good health ingredients. | What exactly is monosodium glutamate you can read HERE. (in preparation)

    1 serving $ 0.05

     15767    10 hours
  • Washing powder for white clothes

    Washing powder for white clothes

    You will be surprised how this product work even in hard water from 30°C above. Do not throw away money on overpriced washing powder and make your own from commonly available and inexpensive chemicals. Your curtains and diapers will shine beautifully. |


    Dose approximately 2-3 tablespoons per washing. Each water has different composition, so start with this dose, which can be adjusted later if necessary. |

    Keep away from children, as well as all other detergents.

    1 serving $ 2.09

     4287    2 minutes
  • Hungarian goulash

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    1 serving $ 1.23

     5439    120 minutes
  • Sweet braised white cabbage

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    Cabbage is suitable for many dishes. According to this manual, you will have it with a great taste and a short preparation time.

    1 serving $ 0.09

     4562    20 minutes
  • Potatoes in their skin

    Potatoes in their skin

    Is it still far to payment and you want to make a healthy food? Then you go for this recipe! | It is not only done very quickly, but this dish is full of vitamin C because of parsley and chives ... | Nutritionists advisers nod in agreement over this dish because it consits of an appropriate ratio of trace elements. | If you want to save even more, simply peel the potatoes and from the resulting potato broth, you can cook a garlic soup.


    1 serving $ 0.27

     7751    20 minutes
  • Orange gel for washing colored clothes

    Orange gel for washing colored clothes

    Advantages of the wash gel are generally known. But why to buy it if you can make it for a few bucks. |


    Dose approximately 150-200 ml per washing. Each water has different composition, so start with this dose, which can be adjusted later if necessary. |

    Industrially produced gels have a different consistency, which is easier to dose, but the effect on washing is same. |

    If you want to use the gel on white linens, add this homemade bleach. Diapers and white linens will literally shine.




    1 serving $ 0.05

     4793    30 minutes
  • Home made cheese spread for a quarter price

    Home made cheese spread for a quarter price

    According to this recipe, you will make about 500 grams very cheap and tasty cheese. | You can use different types of plain yogurt. Since each manufacturer uses its own types of bacteria, the taste will be always slightly different, but always really delicious.

    1 serving $ 0.18

     7412    1 day
  • Phở bò chín almost fat free

    Phở bò chín almost fat free

    Pho bo (pronounced "pfa bo") soup is a hit of nowadays. If you follow our instructions, you will find it quite simple. Firstly, read the entire instructions, watch a video, and then you just have to print the ingredients and go shopping. Our tips can be found at the end of this recipe. | Tip 1: Make broth always in large quantities. Do not worry that soup won´t be tasty. The broth can be easily frozen. It's the most difficult part, the rest is ready in the bowl in a minute. | Tip 2: You will have some difficulies to find the herbs in ordinary shops, but in Vietnam marketplaces they will advise you. For this case we have also named the herbs in Vietnam language, so they immediately know which one it is. | Tip 3: The most common herbs are Mexican coriander and mung sprouts. Coriander, perilla and Vietnam basil herbs are very aromatic, and thus use very little of them. | Tip 4 : Use beef bones, tail and ribs in various combinations. It does not matter if you use them in different quantities. But always use marrowbones. | Tip 5 : Rinse the meat thoroughly in cold water and bake the bones as directed. This saves you a time with replacing the water, as stated in some other recipes. | Tip 6  : Do not look for the original recipe for soup Pho, it does not exist. On the internet, we went through hundreds of recipes, but none of them were the same. | Tip 7: This soup costs in various restaurants from 79 up to 259 crowns. At this price the average family eats this soup at home 3 times. Do not underestimate the soup because is full of vitamins and minerals. | Tip 8: If you find this soup too fatty, then let the broth cool completely and the second day pick up all fat with a spoon, and then you have a great and healthy diet soup. | Tip 9: When you eat this soup as a main meal, ask yourself a question: Why Vietnamese and Chinese are not fat ... ? The answer lies in a bowl in front of you...

    1 serving $ 1

     10017    5 hours
  • French crackling spread

    French crackling spread

    Simple spicy spread, which is delicious with lots of vegetable.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     6616    5 minutes
  • Roasted pork neck on bacon

    Roasted pork neck on bacon

    Excellent and absolutely simple dish which is ready for a while.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     12911    100 minutes
  • Homemade potato fritters

    Homemade potato fritters

    Cheap and famous dish not only for vegetarians. They can simply omit magi seasoning. |

    To this recipe you can simply add the sausage, fried meat or anything you like. |

    If you are not sure about the taste, fry only one fritter, then taste and season eventually.

    1 serving $ 0.32

     8256    60 minutes
  • Spicy Chinese soup as at restaurant

    Spicy Chinese soup as at restaurant

    Do you love spicy soup thickened with potato starch in Vietnamese and Chinese restaurants? Make it at home almost for free!

    1 serving $ 0.18

     7037    30 minutes
  • Marinated chicken  bits

    Marinated chicken bits

    Marinated meat becomes very brittle, so then the cooking time is very short. Meat also becomes nice and juicy.

    1 serving $ 0.45

     6899    30 minutes
  • Asian chicken

    Asian chicken

    Quick dish, which can handle even a beginner. |

    Serve with couscous, rice, bread, potatoes or simply with what you like.

    1 serving $ 0.77

     13379    30 minutes
  • Chicken broth

    Chicken broth

    Broth is an important ingredient in many dishes. How to properly prepare and store it? | Chicken broth is suitable for the disease. As the grandmother say - it really has a strength. | For the sick people serve it warm in a mug, it can be flavored with a little maggi sauce. | You can prepare a very cheap broth soup by adding 1-2 beaten eggs. Season and salt to taste and it is ready.

    1 serving $ 0.05

     5213    45 minutes
  • Cabbage fritters

    Cabbage fritters

    Excellent and quick cabbage fritters with videorecipe. |

    Cabbage fritters can be served hot or cold, and they are also excellent as a side dish to a less fat soup.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     7085    30 minutes
  • Mashed potatoes

    Mashed potatoes

    Mashed potatoes knows everyone, but how to cook it properly and is it healthy? If you are on diet, then reduce the amount of butter to a minimum. | Instead of butter you can use olive oil, however, the resulting taste will be completely different.  | All of potato plant is poisonous - fortunately except of tubers.

    1 serving $ 0.36

     4869    30 minutes
  • Easter stuffing

    Easter stuffing

    Exquisite dish that prepare a lot of people, not only for Easter. This stuffing is wonderful throughout the year! |

    In the stuffing traditionally belongs chopped young nettles. However, if you do not have it, a great substitution is a parsley. | It can be served as a separate dish, for example, with bread slices spread with mustard and stuffing or it is delicious with mashed potatoes. Serve with a rich vegetable garnish.

    1 serving $ 0.32

     12825    70 minutes
  • Strawberry ice cream

    Strawberry ice cream

    Many ice creams are no longer what they used to be. Do not worry and make your own! It is for a few bucks and almost without any chemicals.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     7550    5 minutes
  • Spicy pub goulash

    Spicy pub goulash

    Great goulash with no glutamate or other chemicals. Its spiceness is in your hands.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     8247    90 minutes