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Number of visits:: 9282x
Language: Česky Slovensky
1.21 ($ 0.18/serving)
60 minutes
6 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 871 kJ (208 kcal) 10 %
  • Sugar 0.53 g   1 %
  • Fats 7.49 g   11 %
  • Saturates 1.07 g   5 %
  • Sodium 0.152 g   6 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

End of throwing away a stale bread! From now on you'll not have enough of it!

stale bread 1/4 of loaf 400 g 974,4 kcal
egg 2 pieces 120 g 159,5 kcal
potatoes 1 large 150 g 113,9 kcal
garlic 8 cloves - to taste 40 g 43,9 kcal
dried vegeteble 1 tsp tutorial on home production {text:"This will guarantee that it does not contain glutamate, or other chemicals. ", Title:" Why produce at home?"} {text:"You can also use dried vegetable containing glutamate, but not everyone wants it in their food. The decision is up to you.."} {text:"In the section: What is it? you find out what the glutamate is"} 4 g 11,3 kcal
onion 1 piece 80 g 32,9 kcal
all purpose flour 3 - 4 heaping tbs 30 g 102,6 kcal
maggi seasoning sauce 2 tbsp (vegeterians can use salt) 14 ml 3,3 kcal
marjoram 1 tbsp 1 g 0 kcal
grounded black pepper 1/8 tsp 0.5 g 0 kcal
salt 1/4 tsp 3 g 0,1 kcal
sunflower oil or fat for frying 50 ml 415 kcal
  1. In this tutorial will be very helpful video - watch it as the first step.
  2. Put bread in a bowl and pour over a lukewarm water. Leave it for about an hour until it is completely soft, also the crust. During this time using a hand crush it few times to smaller and smaller pieces.
  3. Then squeeze out all excess water, about enough to dough kept a little shape - we can help by straining.
  4. Cut onion into tiny pieces and together with crushed garlic add to the bowl. Then add tablespoon of marjoram, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons of seasoning sauce magi (vegetarians can omit) and a teaspoon of dried vegetable.Pepper just on the tip of a knife. Add 3 heaping tablespoons of flour and grate one large potato. This ensures that the bread fritters will keep their shape. If the fritters crumble away, add one more. Stir everyting carefully.
  5. Test the right density the way, that using a wooden spoon spread the dough to the sides, andthe dough does not return imediately to its original state, but just slowly moves back. This is the right density ! If too thin, add flour if it is too thick add water. Now taste the dough and add salt if needed, stir and taste again. If it is too salty, add bread, or grate another potato.
  6. Just add ingredients that you like! If you like more marjoram, or pepper, feel free to add them, the same with garlic.
  7. When everything is as it should be, heat the lard on a pan, or use oil. When the oil is hot, using a spoon shape fritters on the pan about 0.8 to 1 cm thick, depending on how thick you like. Remember that lower temperature for frying is better. When the potato-bread fritters are done on one side, flip it over and fry the other side.
  8. Then move them to a plate with napkin to drain excess fat. And it is done, Bon appetite!
  9. When you make potato-bread fritters for the second time, it will be a piece of cake.

I found potato bread at the beginning of 2011, until then I sadly and with regret threw all stale bread away. After finding this recipe, however, I realized that I have lack of stale bread, because it is a real delicacy and surprisingly it is more tastier than a traditional potato fritters.

If you are not sure about the taste, fry only one fritter, then taste and season eventually.

  • Easter stuffing

    Easter stuffing

    Exquisite dish that prepare a lot of people, not only for Easter. This stuffing is wonderful throughout the year! |

    In the stuffing traditionally belongs chopped young nettles. However, if you do not have it, a great substitution is a parsley. | It can be served as a separate dish, for example, with bread slices spread with mustard and stuffing or it is delicious with mashed potatoes. Serve with a rich vegetable garnish.

    1 serving $ 0.32

     12294    70 minutes
  • Chicken thighs with garlic

    Chicken thighs with garlic

    Everyone knows that this chicken recipe is a delicacy. | Chicken is traditionally the best with potatoes and cucumber salad.

    1 serving $ 0.45

     6271    60 minutes
  • Potato-bread fritters

    Potato-bread fritters

    End of throwing away a stale bread! From now on you'll not have enough of it! |

    I found potato bread at the beginning of 2011, until then I sadly and with regret threw all stale bread away. After finding this recipe, however, I realized that I have lack of stale bread, because it is a real delicacy and surprisingly it is more tastier than a traditional potato fritters. |

    If you are not sure about the taste, fry only one fritter, then taste and season eventually.

    1 serving $ 0.18

     9282    60 minutes
  • Roasted shank with garlic

    Roasted shank with garlic


     3811    150 minutes
  • Spicy marinated pork neck

    Spicy marinated pork neck

    Excellent pork neck with a slightly spicy and slightly sweet taste is quite simple to prepare. |

    The food is delicious with potatoes, mashed potatoes, bread and pastries.

    1 serving $ 0.73

     13539    100 minutes
  • Marinated spicy pork

    Marinated spicy pork

    Excellent, slightly spicy marinated pork, which can handle everyone. |


    Can be served with bread, pastries, potatoes, mashed potatoes, or just the way you will enjoy the most. |


    The amount of marinade will be enough for up to 1.5 kg of meat.

    1 serving $ 0.77

     4373    2 hours
  • Curry chicken with pasta

    Curry chicken with pasta

    Well known sauce with pasta, which according to our video can handle even absolute beginner.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     6729    90 minutes
  • Vegetable patties with peas

    Vegetable patties with peas

    The ingredients of the vegetable patties, you have full under control. For a few bucks you get plenty of healthy food without any chemicals. | Vegetable patties can be easily freezed. Put them in the freezer with a cutting board, and after an hour move them into a large plastic bag.

    1 serving $ 0.27

     6498    40 minutes
  • Tiramisu


    Are you discouraged by the price of this cake?  In January 2014 in the center of Prague we have seen the same weight tiramisu for 1,000 crowns. Do you still find our recipe expensive? In addition, you'll know exactly what it contains and you can perhaps make a smaller portion. These ingredients are caunted on a really big cake. | This delicious cake is not intended for long-term storage because of the fresh eggs it contains. So make it always a fresh one and store it in the refrigerator up to 24 hours. 

    1 serving $ 0.36

     7346    15 minutes
  • Mexican pork belly in a pan

    Mexican pork belly in a pan

    Have you got a pork belly in a freezer and you do not know what to do with it? Try this simple recipe. |

    If you get rid of some melted fat, you will end up with far more favorable value than the GDA shows. |

    Probably the best is to serve with potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.86

     4958    50 minutes
  • Home farmhouse bread

    Home farmhouse bread

    Also annoys you when you buy a bread, bring it home, and it is actually inedible?  ... Or weather there is still some in a shop, when in the evening after working all day you go buy one. And if you already have it and it is so so good, then the second or third day you eat it with self-denial? This inspired us to add this great recipe. It will be delicious for a week, but anyway it will not last for so long as you will not resist and bake more ... | In this recipe we have received many comments on the quantity of water. Some write that water is too much, others that is not enough. Much depends on how the flour is stored, from what manufacturer, etc.. Therefore, always add water gradually! |

    First day keep it covered with a cloth, and then, as usual ... |

    If you want bread without sunflower seeds, simply omit it. |

    The more you want the bread soft, make the dough thinner and vice versa.

    1 serving $ 0.09

     6285    150 minutes
  • Pork roasts

    Pork roasts

    Pork roasts is a dish especially popular among men. How to prepare them properly you´ll learn in this video recipe. |

    Traditionally this dish is served with sauerkraut and dumplings.

    1 serving $ 0.59

     6635    100 minutes
  • Cinnamon snails

    Cinnamon snails

    Excellent ultrafast delicacy. If you are expecting someone, this dish is just right.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     12380    45 minutes
  • Chicken liver with beans

    Chicken liver with beans

    Excellent liver with delicious beans that you can prepare according to the video for a while without any knowledge. |


    It is excellent ti serve with rice, pasta or dumplings.

    1 serving $ 0.36

     4318    45 minutes
  • Homemade chocolate quark dessert

    Homemade chocolate quark dessert

    Why buy expensive and sugary quark dessert when you can prepare it at home for a few bucks? |

    Next time let your children prepare this quark dessert. They will be delighted and will certainly learn something.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     8929    5 minutes
  • Vegetable tortilla with chicken

    Vegetable tortilla with chicken

    Do not buy expensive tortillas in fasf food restaurants. No one knows what's in them, and they are overpriced. Even more, they are completely inedible when cooled. |Of this amount you can make ​​at least 10 tortillas.

    1 serving $ 0.41

     8529    20 minutes
  • Pork lard soap

    Pork lard soap

    The basic recipe for making soap. How can you enriched the soap with nourishing, fragrant and colorful components you'll see in the next video recipes. | 


    Always sprinkle hydroxide in water, never pour water into hydroxide! Would occur chemical reaction - instant boiling liquid with a strong sputtering. However, if you pour hydroxide in water, that will not happen. A glass or other container should be able to stand temperature around 90°C, since the fluid is hot. If you follow these principles, the production of soap is safe. | 


    The most important is to wear protective eyeglasses and gloves. Working with a strong basic agent, spillage could cause injury to eyes and the skin. In no case should be children present while working on the recipe. | 


    Sodium hydroxide is highly hygroscopic substance. In practice this means that immediately after weighing close the container, otherwise the substance absorbs moisture within seconds and the crystals will be bonded. | 


    Do not inhale vapours while cooking.

    1 serving $ 3.14

     5325    45 minutes
  • Smoked turkey legs on green beans

    Smoked turkey legs on green beans

    Simple dish that can handle even a complete beginner. |


    Serve with potatoes or mashed potatoes.

    1 serving $ 1

     7413    150 minutes
  • Pork liver with onions

    Pork liver with onions

    This dish certainly is not a diet food, but the taste of English bacon is impressive...

    1 serving $ 0.91

     6358    30 minutes
  • Quick sausage goulash

    Quick sausage goulash

    Lots of people does not know this combination of packet. It is popular mainly among young people, because it is already&well seasoned and it needs only a few ingredients. This dish is perfect when you do not want to spend hours of cooking.|

    For this recipe it is absolutely crucial quality sausages. If you buy the cheapest sausages, thus will be the results.

    1 serving $ 0.59

     10856    30 minutes