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Language: Česky Slovensky

Which are the things to watch out, where to cut and where not? What do carp soup belongs and what does not? You will find the answer in this video recipe.

Remove the scales from the carp and rinse. The best is to follow the instructions on the video attached. After cutting rinse everything in cold water, in warm water the carp begins to deteriorate and the blood would collide instead of flushing. Also the cutting board and all the tools rinse with cold water first and only then you can use hot.


At the begining of gutting concentrate on gall. You must not cut it because the whole fish would be spoiled (it would be unbearably bitter). Therefore separate viscera from meat as soon as possible - so if the gall bursts, at least the meat would remain good. The main principle of this step is do not insert knife deep into the fish.
If you have small children - remember that you are working with a very sharp knife. Do not walk away, until you clear the knife away. Children may want to help you, and in an unguarded moment can harm themselves. 

  • Home made cheese spread for a quarter price

    Home made cheese spread for a quarter price

    According to this recipe, you will make about 500 grams very cheap and tasty cheese. | You can use different types of plain yogurt. Since each manufacturer uses its own types of bacteria, the taste will be always slightly different, but always really delicious.

    1 serving $ 0.18

     7392    1 day
  • Smoked turkey legs on green beans

    Smoked turkey legs on green beans

    Simple dish that can handle even a complete beginner. |


    Serve with potatoes or mashed potatoes.

    1 serving $ 1

     7795    150 minutes
  • Homemade juicy hamburger

    Homemade juicy hamburger

    This homemade burger tastes great and it overwhelms all kinds of burgers sold under the same name. After you taste this hamburger, you will not compare it with the one you have been eating in fastfoods! |

    Of course, you expect it will be good, but you will be surprised by the excellent taste. This hamburger is really worth trying and you will never go to fastfood again. In addition, the portions are really big. |

    Remember that the meat must rest not only before but also after cooking. |

    Best burgers in New York is supposedly prepared from a mixture of meat from the ribs and neck. Fat also plays a role, as it is characterized by a strong beef flavor. |

    Predecessor of hamburger was a tartare steak - bits of ground meat mixed with spices, onion and egg, which is served raw. And thence its name comes from. German port city of Hamburg  traded with a raw meat. Later, someone thought about roasting this meat and hamhurger was born.

    1 serving $ 1.91

     8657    15 minutes
  • Chicken roll

    Chicken roll

    Excellent and simple roll that can handle everyone. Parsley can be replaced by a young chopped nettle. |


    Serve as you will enjoy the most, for example with mashed potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.59

     5404    2 hours
  • Washing powder for white clothes

    Washing powder for white clothes

    You will be surprised how this product work even in hard water from 30°C above. Do not throw away money on overpriced washing powder and make your own from commonly available and inexpensive chemicals. Your curtains and diapers will shine beautifully. |


    Dose approximately 2-3 tablespoons per washing. Each water has different composition, so start with this dose, which can be adjusted later if necessary. |

    Keep away from children, as well as all other detergents.

    1 serving $ 2.09

     4272    2 minutes
  • False spaghetti bolognese

    False spaghetti bolognese

    Very tasty and quick version of spaghetti. This is not a real spaghetti bolognese, which is far more complicated. {text: "If you limit the meat, or swap it for a less fatty beef, then the food is relatively diet."}

    1 serving $ 0.64

     6972    40 minutes
  • Spaghetti carbonara

    Spaghetti carbonara

    Although it sounds noble, it is a very simple dish. The result, however, is really tasty.

    1 serving $ 0.68

     12254    20 minutes
  • Vegetable patties with peas

    Vegetable patties with peas

    The ingredients of the vegetable patties, you have full under control. For a few bucks you get plenty of healthy food without any chemicals. | Vegetable patties can be easily freezed. Put them in the freezer with a cutting board, and after an hour move them into a large plastic bag.

    1 serving $ 0.27

     6798    40 minutes
  • Cheese ice lolly

    Cheese ice lolly

    Excellent ice lolly will be ready in three minutes. |


    Use your imagination and instead of vanilla, add for example, a fruit juice.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     5429    5 minutes
  • Pork kidneys in cream

    Pork kidneys in cream

    Pork kidneys is a great delicacy, but it needs to be done well to get rid of the smell and enjoy it. | 


    This dish can be served with rice, dumplings or potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.68

     4856    45 minutes
  • Starbucks chocolate muffins

    Starbucks chocolate muffins

    This recipe is endless. When you finis1/2 h one batch, you will start to prepare the ingredients for another one. | Beware of some kinds of paper cups! They must be placed in a silicone or metal muffin tray because the heat deforms them. |If you have this kind of paper cups but don´t have a muffin tray, then use a simple trick. Put them on a normal baking tray close to each other, and thus they can not spill. For this you can use small baking bowl or porcelain pot. |The more the dough is thicker, the less they rise during baking and vice versa.

    1 serving $ 0.32

     13968    40 minutes
  • Chocolate croissant with cinnamon

    Chocolate croissant with cinnamon

    Excellent and very easy to make croissants without any tricks and with minimal effort.

    1 serving $ 0.09

     9083    40 minutes
  • Spanish pork roll

    Spanish pork roll

    Great Spanish roll not only for gourmets. Excellent side dish is mashed potatoes. | If you follow the instructions carefully, then you handle it even if you are a complete beginner!

    1 serving $ 0.77

     6798    100 minutes
  • Orange gel for washing colored clothes

    Orange gel for washing colored clothes

    Advantages of the wash gel are generally known. But why to buy it if you can make it for a few bucks. |


    Dose approximately 150-200 ml per washing. Each water has different composition, so start with this dose, which can be adjusted later if necessary. |

    Industrially produced gels have a different consistency, which is easier to dose, but the effect on washing is same. |

    If you want to use the gel on white linens, add this homemade bleach. Diapers and white linens will literally shine.




    1 serving $ 0.05

     4774    30 minutes
  • Spicy marinated pork neck

    Spicy marinated pork neck

    Excellent pork neck with a slightly spicy and slightly sweet taste is quite simple to prepare. |

    The food is delicious with potatoes, mashed potatoes, bread and pastries.

    1 serving $ 0.73

     14188    100 minutes
  • Mushrooms stuffed with blue cheese

    Mushrooms stuffed with blue cheese

    Quick, healthy and cheap food that handles everyone. | This dish is ideal to serve with potatoes or mashed potatoes.

    1 serving $ 0.64

     4587    30 minutes
  • Chickpea crisps

    Chickpea crisps

    Taste like roasted nut, or roasted chestnut and, moreover, it has health benefits ... 

    1 serving $ 0.09

     7842    100 minutes
  • Spicy pub goulash

    Spicy pub goulash

    Great goulash with no glutamate or other chemicals. Its spiceness is in your hands.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     8226    90 minutes
  • Simple French potatoes

    Simple French potatoes


     4529    90 minutes
  • Tiramisu


    Are you discouraged by the price of this cake?  In January 2014 in the center of Prague we have seen the same weight tiramisu for 1,000 crowns. Do you still find our recipe expensive? In addition, you'll know exactly what it contains and you can perhaps make a smaller portion. These ingredients are caunted on a really big cake. | This delicious cake is not intended for long-term storage because of the fresh eggs it contains. So make it always a fresh one and store it in the refrigerator up to 24 hours. 

    1 serving $ 0.36

     7649    15 minutes