Carp fries
Energy 562 kJ (134 kcal) 7 %
Sugar 0.06 g 0 %
Fats 8.55 g 12 %
Saturates 0.35 g 2 %
Sodium 0.1 g 4 %
% recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)
Sensationally delicious carp speciality that tastes even those who do not eat much fish.
carp | 1 piece (size as needed) | 1400 g | 1481,3 kcal |
sunflower oil | for frying as much as 300 ml | 50 ml | 415 kcal |
water | 5 tbsp for a marinade | 35 ml | - |
soy sauce | 3 tbsp for a marinade | 21 ml | 11,5 kcal |
ground cumin | 1 tsp for a marinade | 2 g | 0,1 kcal |
ground ginger | 1 tsp for a marinade | 2 g | 6,7 kcal |
salt | 1/3 tsp for a marinade | 4 g | 0,2 kcal |
sweet paprika | 1 tsp for a marinade + 2 tsp for coating | 8 g | 22,6 kcal |
lemon juice | 1 tbsp for a marinade | 7 ml | 5,5 kcal |
garlic | 4 cloves for a marinade | 20 g | 22 kcal |
cake flour | 4 tbsp for coating | 40 g | 143,3 kcal |
starch | for coating | 14 g | 45,5 kcal |
- Check out our recipe on the video and everything will be clear.
- Remove the insides of the carp, as well as scales and bones, according to the video. Then remove the joints of the fin.
- Cut the meat into 2 cm wide strips and place them into the marinade for 1-3 hours. Lemon juice which is in the marinade suppress the smell of fish to the absolute nicely tasted minimum.
- Prepare the marinade by mixing water, soy sauce, ground cumin, sweet pepper, ground ginger, salt, garlic and lemon juice.
- Meanwhile, prepare the coating mixture. Mix flour, pepper, starch and stir well.
- Coat the carp stripes in this mixture and fry them in high layer of oil, so we do not have to turn them over. When golden, take them out, put them on the absorbent wipes that remove excess oil and serve while still warm.
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If you want bread without sunflower seeds, simply omit it. |
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The advantage is that in one go you can prepare a dish for vegetarians as well as for the meat lovers. The choice of ingredients is huge, it is up to your imagination.|
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