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Number of visits:: 6411x
Language: Česky Slovensky
2.89 ($ 0.73/serving)
100 minutes
4 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 799 kJ (191 kcal) 10 %
  • Sugar 5.42 g   6 %
  • Fats 12.44 g   18 %
  • Saturates 8.01 g   40 %
  • Sodium 0.482 g   20 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

Delicious and almost non pungent brittle pork neck, that you have ready in the oven for a few minutes.

pork neck 4 slices - according to the number of persons 480 g 1043,2 kcal
sunflower oil 2 tbsp 14 ml 116,2 kcal
soy sauce 2 tbsp 14 ml 7,7 kcal
ketchup hot - 5 heaping tbsp 100 g 109,9 kcal
honey bee 1 tbsp - you can use any 20 g 65,1 kcal
sweet paprika 1 tsp 4 g 11,3 kcal
grounded black pepper 1/8 tsp 0.5 g 0 kcal
garlic 4 cloves 20 g 22 kcal
salt 1/2 tsp 6 g 0,3 kcal
onion 1 piece 80 g 32,9 kcal
  1. Pound the sliced pork neck slightly with a meat mallet.
  2. In a bowl put oil, soy sauce, ketchup, honey, paprika, pepper, crushed garlic, salt and stir everything.
  3. Put pork into a marinade and marinate all the morning, or at least an hour.
  4. The contents of the bowl put into a baking dish, add 50 ml of water and a large onion cut into half-moons.
  5. Stir everything and let the slices of pork neck stick little bit out from the marinade.
  6. Bake at 180°C for about 90 minutes. Every oven bakes but otherwise, because our eye slices. {colorQ: "red" , text:"The stated time is always an approximate information. Each oven bakes differently, so watch the meat carefully." , Title: "Why is it so?"}
  7. After about 60 minutes, turn slices over and taste whether it is salty enough. You can also pour in  a little water, but this is usually not needed.

 Other interesting recipes can be found HERE

The food is delicious with potatoes, mashed potatoes, bread and pastries.

  • Easter stuffing

    Easter stuffing

    Exquisite dish that prepare a lot of people, not only for Easter. This stuffing is wonderful throughout the year! |

    In the stuffing traditionally belongs chopped young nettles. However, if you do not have it, a great substitution is a parsley. | It can be served as a separate dish, for example, with bread slices spread with mustard and stuffing or it is delicious with mashed potatoes. Serve with a rich vegetable garnish.

    1 serving $ 0.32

     12293    70 minutes
  • Cowboy´s beans with sausage

    Cowboy´s beans with sausage

    An excellent recipe for a quick meal that likes almost everyone. |

    Serve with crusty bread or pastries. |

    Choose beans very carefully, some of them are very expensive, but the taste is almost the same.

    1 serving $ 0.55

     8776    30 minutes
  • Cabbage salad with apples

    Cabbage salad with apples

    Excellent, healthy, cheap and very simple salad which you have ready in a few seconds. |

    Salad should be served chilled with meals or as a snack with bread or pastries.

    1 serving $ 0.18

     6423    5 minutes
  • Luxury onion soup

    Luxury onion soup

    This surprisingly simple soup is also served in the most expensive restaurants, where it costs thirty times more than the production price is. The recipe is really so simple that it can handle even smart kid. |To get a full taste of cheese rolls, serve this soup always hot. |If you do not have broth, use 2-3 broth cubes, vegetarians certainly prefer vegetable broth. |You can make cheese rolls in advance. In a suitable container or plastic bag they will last for several weeks.

    1 serving $ 0.27

     7942    35 minutes
  • Pickled Camembert cheese

    Pickled Camembert cheese

    There is no need to introduce this recipe so you should definitely try it.  This appetizer is easy to made even for absolute beginners. |The quantity of oil which the camembert is poured with, increases in the quantity of fat in GDA chart to double. But since we do not eat all of the oil, thus serving 100 g contains about half of the fat. |After consumption of cheese, remaining oil can be used to prepare many kinds of food. Oil has of course garlic flavor.

    1 serving $ 0.41

     16056    30 minutes
  • How to clean and fillet carp?

    How to clean and fillet carp?

    Which are the things to watch out, where to cut and where not? What do carp soup belongs and what does not? You will find the answer in this video recipe. | At the begining of gutting concentrate on gall. You must not cut it because the whole fish would be spoiled (it would be unbearably bitter). Therefore separate viscera from meat as soon as possible - so if the gall bursts, at least the meat would remain good. The main principle of this step is do not insert knife deep into the fish. | If you have small children - remember that you are working with a very sharp knife. Do not walk away, until you clear the knife away. Children may want to help you, and in an unguarded moment can harm themselves. 


  • Rendered lard

    Rendered lard

    New findings has not confirmed that the body fat increases cholesterol and act as cardiac and vascular disease.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     5119    1 hour
  • Pork lard soap

    Pork lard soap

    The basic recipe for making soap. How can you enriched the soap with nourishing, fragrant and colorful components you'll see in the next video recipes. | 


    Always sprinkle hydroxide in water, never pour water into hydroxide! Would occur chemical reaction - instant boiling liquid with a strong sputtering. However, if you pour hydroxide in water, that will not happen. A glass or other container should be able to stand temperature around 90°C, since the fluid is hot. If you follow these principles, the production of soap is safe. | 


    The most important is to wear protective eyeglasses and gloves. Working with a strong basic agent, spillage could cause injury to eyes and the skin. In no case should be children present while working on the recipe. | 


    Sodium hydroxide is highly hygroscopic substance. In practice this means that immediately after weighing close the container, otherwise the substance absorbs moisture within seconds and the crystals will be bonded. | 


    Do not inhale vapours while cooking.

    1 serving $ 3.14

     5325    45 minutes
  • Fried meatballs Köttbullar IKEA with cream sauce

    Fried meatballs Köttbullar IKEA with cream sauce

     There is not a garlic in them, not even a pinch of marjoram, but the taste has attracted attention everywhere where Ingvar Kamprad has joined - the owner of a huge business under the name IKEA. | 

    After much experimentation, we bring a recipe for traditional balls, which we know from the store IKEA. This recipe has been translated from the Swedish website and weight ratios were adjusted to our used grams and milliliters. There are lot of recipies for these meatballs, but in our opinion, this recipe is very close to those of the original, and so much that you do not know the difference.... | 

    There is not original IKEA meatballs recipe, so don´t look for it. It is produced by several manufacturers and original recipe is a secret. Even one of the producers added to the meatballs soya, but he somehow failed to mention it among the ingredients on the packaging.

    1 serving $ 0.64

     8033    60 minutes
  • Spaghetti carbonara

    Spaghetti carbonara

    Although it sounds noble, it is a very simple dish. The result, however, is really tasty.

    1 serving $ 0.68

     11745    20 minutes
  • Phở bò tái

    Phở bò tái

    Pho bo ( pronounced "pfa bo " ) soup is a hit of nowadays.. If you follow our instructions, you will find it quite simple. Firstly, read the entire instructions, watch a video, and then you just have to print the ingredients and go shopping. Our tips can be found at the end of this recipe. | Tip 1: Make broth always in large quantities. Do not worry that soup won´t be tasty. The broth can be easily frozen. It's the most difficult part, the rest is ready in the bowl in a minute. | Tip 2: You will have some difficulies to find the herbs in ordinary shops, but in Vietnam marketplaces they will advise you. For this case we have also named the herbs in Vietnam language, so they immediately know which one it is. | Tip 3: The most common herbs are Mexican coriander and mung sprouts. Coriander, perilla and Vietnam basil herbs are very aromatic, and thus use very little of them. | Tip 4 : Use beef bones, tail and ribs in various combinations. It does not matter if you use them in different quantities. But always use marrowbones. | Tip 5 : Rinse the meat thoroughly in cold water and bake the bones as directed. This saves you a time with replacing the water, as stated in some other recipes. | Tip 6: Do not look for the original recipe for soup Pho, it does not exist. On the internet, we went through hundreds of recipes, but none of them were the same. | Tip 7: What to do with meat that was left of the broth? It is a soup called "phở bò chín", of which the recipe can be fond HERE.  | Tip 8: This soup costs in various restaurants from 79 up to 259 crowns. At this price the average family eats this soup at home 3 times. Do not underestimate the soup because is full of vitamins and minerals. | Tip 9: If you find this soup too fatty, then let the broth cool completely and the second day pick up all fat with a spoon, and then you have a great and healthy diet soup. | Tip 10: When you eat this soup as a main meal, ask yourself a question: Why Vietnamese and Chinese are not fat ... ? The answer lies in a bowl in front of you...

    1 serving $ 1

     12785    5 hours
  • Homemade juicy hamburger

    Homemade juicy hamburger

    This homemade burger tastes great and it overwhelms all kinds of burgers sold under the same name. After you taste this hamburger, you will not compare it with the one you have been eating in fastfoods! |

    Of course, you expect it will be good, but you will be surprised by the excellent taste. This hamburger is really worth trying and you will never go to fastfood again. In addition, the portions are really big. |

    Remember that the meat must rest not only before but also after cooking. |

    Best burgers in New York is supposedly prepared from a mixture of meat from the ribs and neck. Fat also plays a role, as it is characterized by a strong beef flavor. |

    Predecessor of hamburger was a tartare steak - bits of ground meat mixed with spices, onion and egg, which is served raw. And thence its name comes from. German port city of Hamburg  traded with a raw meat. Later, someone thought about roasting this meat and hamhurger was born.

    1 serving $ 1.91

     8344    15 minutes
  • Homemade chocolate quark dessert

    Homemade chocolate quark dessert

    Why buy expensive and sugary quark dessert when you can prepare it at home for a few bucks? |

    Next time let your children prepare this quark dessert. They will be delighted and will certainly learn something.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     8929    5 minutes
  • Crab spread

    Crab spread

    Very simple and healthy recipe for crab sticks lovers.

    1 serving $ 0.41

     9445    5 minutes
  • Home made cheese spread for a quarter price

    Home made cheese spread for a quarter price

    According to this recipe, you will make about 500 grams very cheap and tasty cheese. | You can use different types of plain yogurt. Since each manufacturer uses its own types of bacteria, the taste will be always slightly different, but always really delicious.

    1 serving $ 0.18

     7060    1 day
  • Baked potatoes with vegetable

    Baked potatoes with vegetable

    This is actually a recipe for French potatoes enriched with vegetable. If you bake it at the recommended temperature, the result will be excellent.|

    Serve with pickled cucumber.

    1 serving $ 0.68

     11214    80 minutes
  • Smoked turkey legs on green beans

    Smoked turkey legs on green beans

    Simple dish that can handle even a complete beginner. |


    Serve with potatoes or mashed potatoes.

    1 serving $ 1

     7413    150 minutes
  • Vanish for stains and dirt for a few bucks

    Vanish for stains and dirt for a few bucks

    Absolutely environmentally friendly product and excellent bleach even for allergic, which is of same composition sold under the name Vanish. And we all know that it works. For a few bucks and the same composition made at home from available and inexpensive chemicals. Your curtains and diapers will shine beautifullly. |


    Dose approximately 2-3 tablespoons per 1  washing. Each water has different composition, so start with this dose, which can be adjusted later if necessary. |

    Keep away from children. |

    Both substances are biodegradable and therefore environmentally friendly.

    1 serving $ 0.91

     4310    1 minute
  • Marinated chicken  bits

    Marinated chicken bits

    Marinated meat becomes very brittle, so then the cooking time is very short. Meat also becomes nice and juicy.

    1 serving $ 0.45

     6571    30 minutes
  • Quick sausage goulash

    Quick sausage goulash

    Lots of people does not know this combination of packet. It is popular mainly among young people, because it is already&well seasoned and it needs only a few ingredients. This dish is perfect when you do not want to spend hours of cooking.|

    For this recipe it is absolutely crucial quality sausages. If you buy the cheapest sausages, thus will be the results.

    1 serving $ 0.59

     10856    30 minutes