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Language: Česky Slovensky

You can fillet a trout easily. Everything is in the video. If you get trout from a fishermen as in our case, then the food is almost for free.

  1. A gutted trout first rinse well in a cold water.
  2. Proceed according to the video attached, which is worth a thousand words ...
  3. If you do not know how to gut a trout, watch this video.

- a gutted trout rinse well...

- cut off the head...

- a tail...

- cut off just above the backbone...

- do the same from the other side...

- you get beautiful pieces of pure meat...  (for easier manipulation, you can cut into half)

- fins can also be removed...

- trout can prepared in hundreds of delicious and especially healthy meals...

- a special thanks to our friend - a fisherman Martin Procházka for a trout delivery for this recipe :-)  Thank you!!!



  • Diet Chinese chicken

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    1 serving $ 0.68

     7865    25 minutes
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    1 serving $ 1.05

     12407    150 minutes
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    1 serving $ 0.82

     7281    35 minutes
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    1 serving $ 0.59

     11317    30 minutes
  • Roasted pork neck on bacon

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    1 serving $ 0.82

     12875    100 minutes
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    1 serving $ 0.27

     4825    40 minutes
  • Chicken soup

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    You can add to it not only pasta of any shape, but also rice.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     7643    1 hour
  • Whipped chocolate cup

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    1 serving $ 0.27

     6512    20 minutes
  • Spinach with cream

    Spinach with cream


     3860    15 minutes
  • Spanish pork roll

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    1 serving $ 0.77

     6798    100 minutes
  • Excellent chicken risotto

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    1 serving $ 0.68

     7457    50 minutes
  • Cheese ice lolly

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    Excellent ice lolly will be ready in three minutes. |


    Use your imagination and instead of vanilla, add for example, a fruit juice.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     5429    5 minutes
  • Fried potatoes with chicken bits in French style

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    1 serving $ 1.14

     7437    40 minutes
  • Spicy marinated pork neck

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    The food is delicious with potatoes, mashed potatoes, bread and pastries.

    1 serving $ 0.73

     14188    100 minutes
  • Grilled pork neck with rosemary

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    Barbecues lovers should certainly try this pork with herbs. | 


    Meat on the grill never impale, but either scoop up or use tongs.

    1 serving $ 0.77

     5035    30 minutes
  • Rice fritters

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    1 serving $ 0.18

     6797    30 minutes
  • Home made white yogurt

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    All items must be sterilized - rinsed in hot water of at least 80°C. Although it is not true sterilization, but just for this purpose is enough. This is not just for jars and a lids, but also all other gadgets that come into contact while making ​​yogurt. | 


    Nutrient culture - a yogurt that we use is a key ingredient. Therefore, choose it very carefully. | 


    As a yogurt maker may serve any space which keeps temperature in the range of 39 to 41°C.  Some chefs and cooks use for this purpose an electric oven.

    1 serving $ 0.14

     5452    20 minutes
  • Spicy Chinese soup as at restaurant

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    1 serving $ 0.18

     7015    30 minutes
  • Fruit cupcakes

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    1 serving $ 0.09

     5576    2 hours
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    1 serving $ 0.23

     11713    40 minutes