Chicken breast with mustard sauce
Energy 459 kJ (110 kcal) 5 %
Sugar 0.44 g 0 %
Fats 4.09 g 6 %
Saturates 0.2 g 1 %
Sodium 0.246 g 10 %
% recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)
Sauce that you must try. If you are on diet just use less cream.
sunflower oil | 2 tbsp {text:"to taste, use your favourite oil, for us the best is sunflower oil", title: "Which is the best?"} |
14 ml | 116,2 kcal |
onion | 1 piece | 80 g | 32,9 kcal |
salt | 1/2 tsp | 4 g | 0,2 kcal |
garlic | 2 cloves | 10 g | 11 kcal |
grounded black pepper | 1/8 tsp | 0.5 g | 0 kcal |
sour cream | 1 cup - 150-200g | 150 g | 149 kcal |
full fat mustard | 1 tbsp | 40 g | 39,9 kcal |
chicken brest | as needed | 500 g | 525,4 kcal |
- Chicken breast with mustard sauce begins with pouring 2 tablespoons of oil in a pan
{text: "To taste, use your favourite oil, for us the best is sunflower oil", title: "Which is the best?"}
. Add finely chopped onion and when it starts to turn brown, add chicken breast cut into pieces. Temperature throughout all process should be 120°C. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt, and saute until the meat is tender. - To the soft meat add 2 thinly sliced garlic cloves, 1/8 teaspoon ground pepper, and saute for two minutes.
- Stir in a cup of sour cream, and after a minute add two tablespoons of mustard. Stir well, add salt if needed and the sauce is ready.
- On the plate you can decorate with parsley.
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