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Number of visits:: 6669x
Language: Česky Slovensky
2.73 ($ 0.27/serving)
50 minutes
10 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 1459 kJ (348 kcal) 17 %
  • Sugar 18.44 g   20 %
  • Fats 16.96 g   24 %
  • Saturates 1.52 g   8 %
  • Sodium 0.026 g   1 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

Everyone knows this cake and averyone likes it. In stores is too expensive, so prepare it ​​at home for a fraction of price {text: "Yes, if you omit all expensive ingredients such as nuts, candied fruit and chocolate, then you get the half price. Since we do not want to do that, so at the same price as in store we get cake, which is of 2 degrees better quality. ", title:" Will be the fruitcake certainly cheaper than the one from the store? "} and above all without emulsifiers.

egg 4 pieces 240 g 319,1 kcal
powdered sugar 150 g 574,6 kcal
baking margarine you can also use butter 120 g 802,5 kcal
cake flour 150 g 537,4 kcal
baking powder 1 level tsp - 1/3 packet 4 g 3,2 kcal
milk chocolate to taste - 10 g in a dough + 100 g for topping 110 g 465 kcal
raisins to taste 10 g 30,7 kcal
hazelnuts 1/2 cup - to taste 10 g 65,9 kcal
candied fruits 1/2 cup - to taste 10 g 26,4 kcal
sunflower oil for greasing the form 2 ml 16,6 kcal
semi-skimmed milk 3 tbsp 21 ml 9,5 kcal
butter 1 tsp 8 g 58,7 kcal
  1. In a blender put 1/2 cup nuts and chop them roughly. Do the same with chocolate.
  2. Put the egg yolks into a bowl and add sugar. Whip, then add cake flour and melted cooled margarine.
  3. Add a flat teaspoon baking powder, raisins, chopped chocolate and nuts. You can also add candied fruit.
  4. Then stir in beaten egg whites of four eggs. Do it carefully using a spoon.
  5. Silicone mold grease with a small amount of oil. If you use normal form, then it also sprinkle with a little bit of flour. It is better to prepare it in advance.
  6. Pour the dough into the mold and spread evenly.
  7. Bake in a preheated oven for 30 - 40 minutes at 160° C. Each oven bakes differently, so watch carefully.
  8. Before applying the icing let the fruitcake cool completely.
  9. Chocolate topping is very simple, a great help is the attached video. We need a water bath, which is made ​​by using 2 pots. In the larger cook a little amount of water, and in the smaller pot melt 100 g of any chocolate you like.
  10. When it´s completely melt, add a teaspoon of butter and 3 tablespoons of milk.
  11. When the fruitcake cools apply the topping with a heated knife in hot water.
  12. Serve it after about an hour when the topping cools down.

 To find out weather the cake is ready stick a cocktail stick into it, and pull it out, if it´s a non-stick, you're done. Test it not only on the edges but also in the middle of a cake. {colorQ: "red" , text:" The stated time is always an approximate information. Each oven bakes differently, so you have to watch each dish carefully.", Title: "Why is it so?"}


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    Phở bò tái

    Pho bo ( pronounced "pfa bo " ) soup is a hit of nowadays.. If you follow our instructions, you will find it quite simple. Firstly, read the entire instructions, watch a video, and then you just have to print the ingredients and go shopping. Our tips can be found at the end of this recipe. | Tip 1: Make broth always in large quantities. Do not worry that soup won´t be tasty. The broth can be easily frozen. It's the most difficult part, the rest is ready in the bowl in a minute. | Tip 2: You will have some difficulies to find the herbs in ordinary shops, but in Vietnam marketplaces they will advise you. For this case we have also named the herbs in Vietnam language, so they immediately know which one it is. | Tip 3: The most common herbs are Mexican coriander and mung sprouts. Coriander, perilla and Vietnam basil herbs are very aromatic, and thus use very little of them. | Tip 4 : Use beef bones, tail and ribs in various combinations. It does not matter if you use them in different quantities. But always use marrowbones. | Tip 5 : Rinse the meat thoroughly in cold water and bake the bones as directed. This saves you a time with replacing the water, as stated in some other recipes. | Tip 6: Do not look for the original recipe for soup Pho, it does not exist. On the internet, we went through hundreds of recipes, but none of them were the same. | Tip 7: What to do with meat that was left of the broth? It is a soup called "phở bò chín", of which the recipe can be fond HERE.  | Tip 8: This soup costs in various restaurants from 79 up to 259 crowns. At this price the average family eats this soup at home 3 times. Do not underestimate the soup because is full of vitamins and minerals. | Tip 9: If you find this soup too fatty, then let the broth cool completely and the second day pick up all fat with a spoon, and then you have a great and healthy diet soup. | Tip 10: When you eat this soup as a main meal, ask yourself a question: Why Vietnamese and Chinese are not fat ... ? The answer lies in a bowl in front of you...

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    Dose approximately 2-3 tablespoons per 1  washing. Each water has different composition, so start with this dose, which can be adjusted later if necessary. |

    Keep away from children. |

    Both substances are biodegradable and therefore environmentally friendly.

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