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Number of visits:: 8129x
Language: Česky Slovensky
1.64 ($ 0.27/serving)
35 minutes
6 servings

    Each serving contains 100 g

  • Energy 121 kJ (29 kcal) 1 %
  • Sugar 0.48 g   1 %
  • Fats 1.83 g   3 %
  • Saturates 0.3 g   2 %
  • Sodium 0.097 g   4 %
  • % recommended daily amount for adults (Everything about GDA)

This surprisingly simple soup is also served in the most expensive restaurants, where it costs thirty times more than the production price is. The recipe is really so simple that it can handle even smart kid.

onion 3 large 300 g 123,3 kcal
lard 2 tbsp (vegetarians can use a butter) 40 g 296,2 kcal
cake flour 3 tbsp 30 g 107,5 kcal
broth about 1,5 liter (vegetarians can use vegetable) {text: "Use can also use 2 bouillon cubes .."} 1500 ml 50,2 kcal
salt 1/2 tsp 6 g 0,3 kcal
grounded black pepper 1/4 tsp 1 g 0 kcal
dried vegeteble 1 tsp tutorial on home production {text:"This will guarantee that it does not contain glutamate, or other chemicals. ", Title:" Why produce at home?"} {text:"You can also use dried vegetable containing glutamate, but not everyone wants it in their food. The decision is up to you.."} {text:"In the section: What is it? you find out what the glutamate is"} 4 g 11,3 kcal
parsley leaves for decorations 3 g 0,3 kcal
bread roll 1 - 2 pieces 40 g 100,3 kcal
Eidam cheese 50 - 100 g (or any cheese to taste) 50 g 171,2 kcal
water as needed 1000 ml -
  1. Cut onion into slices and fry on lard until pink. Be careful not to burn, so do it at a lower temperature - about 120° C.
  2.  Then add flour and while mixing well pour broth and water. Add salt, pepper, dried vegetable and bring to a boil. 
  3. After about 20 minutes it is done, just taste and add salt to your taste.
  4. Cut the bread roll into slices about 5 mm thick, and put the slices of cheese on them as you can see in a video. 
  5. Bake it for about 10 minutes in the oven at 140 ° C and then let cool slightly. 
  6. Garnish a soup with baked croutons like you see in the video or on the pictures.
To get a full taste of cheese rolls, serve this soup always hot.
If you do not have broth, use 2-3 broth cubes, vegetarians certainly prefer vegetable broth.
You can make cheese rolls in advance. In a suitable container or plastic bag they will last for several weeks.

  • Pork liver with onions

    Pork liver with onions

    This dish certainly is not a diet food, but the taste of English bacon is impressive...

    1 serving $ 0.91

     6551    30 minutes
  • Beef with carrots

    Beef with carrots

    Very tasty and a diet food that should not be missing in your menu. | If you select a low fat meat, the food is well balanced and diet. Further you can reduce the amount of fat when fryinf the meat on a quality pan, which needs only a very small amount of oil, or almost none.|Serve with potatoes in all possible ways.

    1 serving $ 1.09

     6999    90 minutes
  • Homemade chocolate quark dessert

    Homemade chocolate quark dessert

    Why buy expensive and sugary quark dessert when you can prepare it at home for a few bucks? |

    Next time let your children prepare this quark dessert. They will be delighted and will certainly learn something.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     9170    5 minutes
  • Crab spread

    Crab spread

    Very simple and healthy recipe for crab sticks lovers.

    1 serving $ 0.41

     9720    5 minutes
  • Pork with dumplings and sauerkraut

    Pork with dumplings and sauerkraut

    This is one of the most famous dishes. Have you not cooked yet? According to this recipe is really a snap! The hardest thing for us was to make comprehensible instructions so that it can understand even the one who cook for the first time. It took almost 100 hours to prepare this recipe.

    1 serving $ 1.27

     4914    2 hours
  • Hatching of Artemia salina + tips and tricks

    Hatching of Artemia salina + tips and tricks

    There are still thousands of aquarists who can not only correctly hatch Artemia, but also modify the hatch for certain fish species. For them, I have compiled this video tutorial.


  • Smoked turkey legs on green beans

    Smoked turkey legs on green beans

    Simple dish that can handle even a complete beginner. |


    Serve with potatoes or mashed potatoes.

    1 serving $ 1

     7631    150 minutes
  • Excellent chicken risotto

    Excellent chicken risotto

    Even if you have never cooked, according to this video you can do an excellent risotto quite handily. It will be not only juicy, but full of spicy vegetable and meat taste. |This recipe took almost 50 hours including filming, photographing, editing and subtitling, but the result is a really excellent guide to an excellent risotto that will satisfy even the most demanding diners. It's a pity just for vegetarians.

    1 serving $ 0.68

     7339    50 minutes
  • Couscous - the basic preparation

    Couscous - the basic preparation

    How to prepare couscous? Here is a basic guide. | If you do not know what exactly it is and how couscous is made, look HERE. | Couscous can also be prepared with broth. Then continue with marinating, baking, stewing, etc. If you want to make a salad, simply let it cool.

    1 serving $ 0.09

     5444    10 minutes
  • Cheese ice lolly

    Cheese ice lolly

    Excellent ice lolly will be ready in three minutes. |


    Use your imagination and instead of vanilla, add for example, a fruit juice.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     5261    5 minutes
  • Provencal grilled pork

    Provencal grilled pork

    Excellent and easy way to grill pork. | 


    If you do not have handy grill, then you can also do it on a quality pan. You proceed in the same way. Set a temperature of around 160°C and do not use any oil - as there is enough fat in pork itself.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     5181    40 minutes
  • Homemade potato fritters

    Homemade potato fritters

    Cheap and famous dish not only for vegetarians. They can simply omit magi seasoning. |

    To this recipe you can simply add the sausage, fried meat or anything you like. |

    If you are not sure about the taste, fry only one fritter, then taste and season eventually.

    1 serving $ 0.32

     8122    60 minutes
  • Fruitcake with chocolate topping

    Fruitcake with chocolate topping

    Everyone knows this cake and averyone likes it. In stores is too expensive, so prepare it ​​at home for a fraction of price {text: "Yes, if you omit all expensive ingredients such as nuts, candied fruit and chocolate, then you get the half price. Since we do not want to do that, so at the same price as in store we get cake, which is of 2 degrees better quality. ", title:" Will be the fruitcake certainly cheaper than the one from the store? "} and above all without emulsifiers.

    1 serving $ 0.27

     6799    50 minutes
  • Grilled pork neck with rosemary

    Grilled pork neck with rosemary

    Barbecues lovers should certainly try this pork with herbs. | 


    Meat on the grill never impale, but either scoop up or use tongs.

    1 serving $ 0.77

     4925    30 minutes
  • Quick vegetable sauce

    Quick vegetable sauce

    Certainly it is not necessary to introduce this sauce. Here's the instructions how to add a caramel flavor. | This sauce is traditionally served with dumplings and cranberries.

    1 serving $ 0.23

     4745    30 minutes
  • Spicy pub goulash

    Spicy pub goulash

    Great goulash with no glutamate or other chemicals. Its spiceness is in your hands.

    1 serving $ 0.82

     8031    90 minutes
  • Quick hedgehog with strawberries

    Quick hedgehog with strawberries

    When you buy a ready made cake bases you have it ready in 10 minutes!

    1 serving $ 0.32

     7864    10 minutes
  • Shortbread


    Instructions for making shortbread without emulsifiers, stabilizers and other chemicals. |

    From this recipe you can make about 4-5 big trays of cookies. |

    You can cut out biscuits of any shapes and further modify them according to the other recipes.

    1 serving $ 0.18

     6820    30 minutes
  • Crackling fritters with sesame

    Crackling fritters with sesame

    Excellent and cheap delicacy that according to our video can handle everyone.

    1 serving $ 0.05

     6187    90 minutes
  • Diet Chinese chicken

    Diet Chinese chicken

    Very fast food prepared without oil. Additionally, for a few bucks and with excellent taste. | Serve with rice or if you are not on diet with fresh bread.


    1 serving $ 0.68

     7762    25 minutes